+ try:
+ # how do we filter the RelativeScreenPosition for the CLI?
+ relPosFilter = str.lower
+ # parse command-line arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='easy Display Setup for Laptops')
+ parser.add_argument("-f", "--frontend",
+ dest="frontend",
+ help="The frontend to be used for user interaction")
+ parser.add_argument("-r", "--relative-position",
+ dest="rel_position", choices=list(map(relPosFilter, screen.RelativeScreenPosition.__members__.keys())),
+ help="Set the position of external screen relative to internal one.")
+ parser.add_argument("-e", "--external-only",
+ dest="external_only", action='store_true',
+ help="If an external screen is connected, disable all the others.")
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--internal-only",
+ dest="internal_only", action='store_true',
+ help="Enable internal screen, disable all the others.")
+ cmdArgs = parser.parse_args()
+ # load frontend early (for error mssages)
+ frontend = gui.getFrontend(cmdArgs.frontend)
+ # load configuration
+ config = loadConfigFile(os.getenv('HOME') + '/.dsl.conf')
+ # see what situation we are in
+ situation = situationByConfig(config)
+ # construct the ScreenSetup
+ setup = None
+ if not cmdArgs.internal_only and situation.externalResolutions() is not None:
+ # there's an external screen connected that we may want to use
+ if cmdArgs.external_only:
+ setup = screen.ScreenSetup(intResolution = None, extResolution = situation.externalResolutions()[0])
+ elif cmdArgs.rel_position is not None:
+ # construct automatically, based on CLI arguments
+ # first, figure out the desired RelativeScreenPosition... waht a bad hack...
+ relPos = list(filter(lambda relPosItem: relPosFilter(relPosItem[0]) == cmdArgs.rel_position, screen.RelativeScreenPosition.__members__.items()))
+ assert len(relPos) == 1, "CLI argument is ambigue"
+ relPos = relPos[0][1]
+ # now we construct the ScreenSetup
+ if relPos == screen.RelativeScreenPosition.MIRROR:
+ res = situation.commonResolutions()[0]
+ setup = screen.ScreenSetup(res, res, relPos)
+ else:
+ setup = screen.ScreenSetup(intResolution = situation.internalResolutions()[0], extResolution = situation.externalResolutions()[0], relPosition = relPos)
+ else:
+ # ask the user
+ setup = frontend.setup(situation)
+ if setup is None: sys.exit(1) # the user canceled
+ else:
+ # use first resolution of internal connector
+ setup = screen.ScreenSetup(intResolution = situation.internalResolutions()[0], extResolution = None)
+ # call xrandr
+ xrandrCall = situation.forXrandr(setup)
+ print("Call that will be made:",xrandrCall)
+ subprocess.check_call(xrandrCall)
+ # make sure the internal screen is really, *really* turned on if there is no external screen
+ if setup.extResolution is None:
+ turnOnBacklight()
+ except Exception as e:
+ frontend.error(str(e))
+ raise