- # there are two screens
- args[internalConnector] = ["--mode", intResolution] # set internal screen to desired resolution
- # set position
- if extPosition.posLeft.isChecked():
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--left-of", internalConnector]
- else:
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--right-of", internalConnector]
- # set primary screen
- if extPosition.primExt.isChecked():
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--primary"]
+ # auto-config
+ internalConnector = findAvailableConnector(commonInternalConnectorNames, allConnectors)
+ if internalConnector is None:
+ raise Exception("Could not automatically find internal connector, please use ~/.dsl.conf to specify it manually.")
+ # all the rest is external then, obviously - unless the user wants to do that manually
+ if 'externalConnectors' in config:
+ externalConnectors = config['externalConnectors']
+ for connector in externalConnectors:
+ if not connector in allConnectors:
+ raise Exception("Connector %s does not exist, there is an error in your config file." % connector)
+ if connector == internalConnector:
+ raise Exception("%s is both internal and external, that doesn't make sense." % connector)
+ else:
+ externalConnectors = allConnectors.keys()
+ externalConnectors.remove(internalConnector)
+ if not externalConnectors:
+ raise Exception("No external connector found - either your config is wrong, or your machine has only one connector.")
+ # done!
+ return (internalConnector, externalConnectors)
+# if we run top-level
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ # load connectors and classify them
+ connectors = getXrandrInformation()
+ (internalConnector, externalConnectors) = classifyConnectors(connectors)
+ # default: screen off
+ connectorArgs = {} # maps connector names to xrand arguments
+ for c in externalConnectors+[internalConnector]:
+ connectorArgs[c] = ["--off"]
+ # check whether we got an external screen or not
+ # Check what to do
+ usedExternalConnector = findAvailableConnector(externalConnectors, connectors) # *the* external connector which is actually used
+ if usedExternalConnector is not None: # there's an external screen connected, we need to ask what to do
+ # get setup
+ setup = gui.setup(connectors[internalConnector], connectors[usedExternalConnector])
+ if setup is None: sys.exit(1) # the user canceled
+ # apply it
+ connectorArgs[internalConnector] = setup.getInternalArgs()
+ connectorArgs[usedExternalConnector] = setup.getExternalArgs(internalConnector)