# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program (gpl.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-from dsl import RelativeScreenPosition
+from dsl import RelativeScreenPosition, ScreenSetup, res2user
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
def makeLayout(layout, members):
- for m in members:
- if isinstance(m, QtGui.QLayout):
- layout.addLayout(m)
- else:
- layout.addWidget(m)
- return layout
+ for m in members:
+ if isinstance(m, QtGui.QLayout):
+ layout.addLayout(m)
+ else:
+ layout.addWidget(m)
+ return layout
class PositionSelection(QtGui.QDialog):
- def __init__(self, externalName, internalResolutions, externalResolutions):
- # set up main window
- super(PositionSelection, self).__init__()
- self.setWindowTitle('External screen setup (connector: %s)' % externalName)
- # position selection
- posBox = QtGui.QGroupBox('Position of external screen', self)
- self.posLeft = QtGui.QRadioButton('Left of internal screen', posBox)
- self.posRight = QtGui.QRadioButton('Right of internal screen', posBox)
- self.posRight.setChecked(True)
- self.posRight.setFocus()
- self.extOnly = QtGui.QRadioButton('Use external screen exclusively', posBox)
- posBox.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [self.posLeft, self.posRight, self.extOnly]))
- # primary screen
- primBox = QtGui.QGroupBox('Which should be the primary screen?', self)
- self.extOnly.toggled.connect(primBox.setDisabled) # disable the box if there's just one screen in use
- self.primExt = QtGui.QRadioButton('The external screen', primBox)
- self.primInt = QtGui.QRadioButton('The internal screen', primBox)
- self.primInt.setChecked(True)
- primBox.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [self.primExt, self.primInt]))
- # resolution selection
- resBox = QtGui.QGroupBox('Screen resolutions', self)
- extResLabel = QtGui.QLabel('Resolution of external screen:', resBox)
- self.extResolutions = QtGui.QComboBox(resBox)
- for res in externalResolutions:
- self.extResolutions.addItem(res)
- self.extResolutions.setCurrentIndex(0) # select first resolution
- extRow = makeLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout(), [extResLabel, self.extResolutions])
- intResLabel = QtGui.QLabel('Resolution of internal screen:', resBox)
- self.extOnly.toggled.connect(intResLabel.setDisabled) # disable the label if there's just one screen in use
- self.intResolutions = QtGui.QComboBox(resBox)
- for res in internalResolutions:
- self.intResolutions.addItem(res)
- self.intResolutions.setCurrentIndex(0) # select first resolution
- self.extOnly.toggled.connect(self.intResolutions.setDisabled) # disable the box if there's just one screen in use
- intRow = makeLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout(), [intResLabel, self.intResolutions])
- resBox.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [extRow, intRow]))
- # last row: buttons
- buttons = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self)
- buttons.accepted.connect(self.accept)
- buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject)
- # add them all to the window
- self.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [posBox, primBox, resBox, buttons]))
- def run(self):
- self.exec_()
- return True if self.result() else False
- def getRelativeScreenPosition(self):
- if self.posLeft.isChecked():
- return RelativeScreenPosition.LEFT
- elif self.posRight.isChecked():
- return RelativeScreenPosition.RIGHT
- else:
- return RelativeScreenPosition.EXTERNAL_ONLY
- def getIntResolutionIndex(self):
- return self.intResolutions.currentIndex()
- def getExtResolutionIndex(self):
- return self.extResolutions.currentIndex()
- def externalIsPrimary(self):
- return self.primExt.isChecked()
+ def __init__(self, internalResolutions, externalResolutions, commonResolutions):
+ # set up main window
+ super(PositionSelection, self).__init__()
+ self.setWindowTitle('DSL - easy Display Setup for Laptops')
+ ## position selection
+ posBox = QtGui.QGroupBox('Position of external screen', self)
+ self.posLeft = QtGui.QRadioButton('Left of internal screen', posBox)
+ self.posRight = QtGui.QRadioButton('Right of internal screen', posBox)
+ self.posRight.setChecked(True)
+ self.posRight.setFocus()
+ self.extOnly = QtGui.QRadioButton('Use external screen exclusively', posBox)
+ self.mirror = QtGui.QRadioButton('Mirror internal screen', posBox)
+ positions = [self.posLeft, self.posRight, self.extOnly, self.mirror]
+ posBox.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), positions))
+ for pos in positions:
+ pos.toggled.connect(self.updateForm)
+ ## primary screen
+ self.primBox = QtGui.QGroupBox('Which should be the primary screen?', self)
+ self.primExt = QtGui.QRadioButton('The external screen', self.primBox)
+ self.primInt = QtGui.QRadioButton('The internal screen', self.primBox)
+ self.primInt.setChecked(True)
+ self.primBox.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [self.primExt, self.primInt]))
+ ## resolution selection
+ resBox = QtGui.QGroupBox('Screen resolutions', self)
+ # external screen
+ self.extResLabel = QtGui.QLabel('Resolution of external screen:', resBox)
+ self.extResolutions = externalResolutions
+ self.extResolutionsBox = QtGui.QComboBox(resBox)
+ for res in externalResolutions:
+ self.extResolutionsBox.addItem(res2user(res))
+ self.extResolutionsBox.setCurrentIndex(0) # select first resolution
+ self.extRow = makeLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout(), [self.extResLabel, self.extResolutionsBox])
+ # internal screen
+ self.intResLabel = QtGui.QLabel('Resolution of internal screen:', resBox)
+ self.intResolutions = internalResolutions
+ self.intResolutionsBox = QtGui.QComboBox(resBox)
+ for res in internalResolutions:
+ self.intResolutionsBox.addItem(res2user(res))
+ self.intResolutionsBox.setCurrentIndex(0) # select first resolution
+ self.intRow = makeLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout(), [self.intResLabel, self.intResolutionsBox])
+ # both screens
+ self.mirrorResLabel = QtGui.QLabel('Resolution of both screens:', resBox)
+ self.mirrorResolutions = commonResolutions
+ self.mirrorResolutionsBox = QtGui.QComboBox(resBox)
+ for res in commonResolutions:
+ self.mirrorResolutionsBox.addItem(res2user(res))
+ self.mirrorResolutionsBox.setCurrentIndex(0) # select first resolution
+ self.mirrorRow = makeLayout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout(), [self.mirrorResLabel, self.mirrorResolutionsBox])
+ # show them all
+ resBox.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [self.extRow, self.intRow, self.mirrorRow]))
+ # last row: buttons
+ buttons = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self)
+ buttons.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ # add them all to the window
+ self.setLayout(makeLayout(QtGui.QVBoxLayout(), [posBox, self.primBox, resBox, buttons]))
+ # make sure we are consistent
+ self.updateForm()
+ def updateForm(self):
+ self.primBox.setEnabled(self.posLeft.isChecked() or self.posRight.isChecked())
+ self.extResolutionsBox.setEnabled(not self.mirror.isChecked())
+ self.extResLabel.setEnabled(not self.mirror.isChecked())
+ self.intResolutionsBox.setEnabled(self.posLeft.isChecked() or self.posRight.isChecked())
+ self.intResLabel.setEnabled(self.posLeft.isChecked() or self.posRight.isChecked())
+ self.mirrorResolutionsBox.setEnabled(self.mirror.isChecked())
+ self.mirrorResLabel.setEnabled(self.mirror.isChecked())
+ def run(self):
+ self.exec_()
+ if not self.result(): return None
+ if self.mirror.isChecked():
+ return ScreenSetup(RelativeScreenPosition.MIRROR,
+ self.mirrorResolutions[self.mirrorResolutionsBox.currentIndex()],
+ self.mirrorResolutions[self.mirrorResolutionsBox.currentIndex()],
+ extIsPrimary = True)
+ else:
+ return ScreenSetup(self.getRelativeScreenPosition(),
+ self.intResolutions[self.intResolutionsBox.currentIndex()],
+ self.extResolutions[self.extResolutionsBox.currentIndex()],
+ self.primExt.isChecked())
+ def getRelativeScreenPosition(self):
+ if self.posLeft.isChecked():
+ return RelativeScreenPosition.LEFT
+ elif self.posRight.isChecked():
+ return RelativeScreenPosition.RIGHT
+ elif self.extOnly.isChecked():
+ return RelativeScreenPosition.EXTERNAL_ONLY
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Nothing is checked?")