# DSL - easy Display Setup for Laptops
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Ralf Jung <post@ralfj.de>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Ralf Jung <post@ralfj.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program (gpl.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import os, sys, re, subprocess
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from selector_window import PositionSelection
-app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+import argparse, sys, os, re, subprocess
+from gui import getFrontend
+frontend = getFrontend("cli") # the fallback, until we got a proper frontend. This is guaranteed to be available.
# for auto-config: common names of internal connectors
-commonInternalConnectorNames = ['LVDS', 'LVDS1', 'LVDS-0']
+commonInternalConnectorNames = ['LVDS', 'LVDS0', 'LVDS1', 'LVDS-0', 'LVDS-1']
+# this is as close as one can get to an enum in Python
+class RelativeScreenPosition:
+ LEFT = 0
+ RIGHT = 1
+# storing what's necessary for screen setup
+class ScreenSetup:
+ def __init__(self, relPosition, intResolution, extResolution, extIsPrimary = False):
+ '''relPosition must be one of the RelativeScreenPosition members, the resolutions must be (width, height) pairs'''
+ self.relPosition = relPosition
+ self.intResolution = intResolution # value doesn't matter if the internal screen is disabled
+ self.extResolution = extResolution
+ self.extIsPrimary = extIsPrimary or self.relPosition == RelativeScreenPosition.EXTERNAL_ONLY # external is always primary if it is the only one
+ def getInternalArgs(self):
+ if self.relPosition == RelativeScreenPosition.EXTERNAL_ONLY:
+ return ["--off"]
+ args = ["--mode", res2xrandr(self.intResolution)] # set internal screen to desired resolution
+ if not self.extIsPrimary:
+ args.append('--primary')
+ return args
+ def getExternalArgs(self, intName):
+ args = ["--mode", res2xrandr(self.extResolution)] # set external screen to desired resolution
+ if self.extIsPrimary:
+ args.append('--primary')
+ if self.relPosition == RelativeScreenPosition.LEFT:
+ args += ['--left-of', intName]
+ elif self.relPosition == RelativeScreenPosition.RIGHT:
+ args += ['--right-of', intName]
+ return args
# Load a section-less config file: maps parameter names to space-separated lists of strings (with shell quotation)
-def loadConfigFile(file):
+def loadConfigFile(filename):
import shlex
result = {}
- if not os.path.exists(file):
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
return result # no config file
# read config file
linenr = 0
- with open(file) as file:
- for line in file:
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ for line in f:
linenr += 1
line = line.strip()
if not len(line) or line.startswith("#"): continue # skip empty and comment lines
curKey = line[:pos].strip()
result[curKey] = shlex.split(line[pos+1:]) # shlex.split also strips
except Exception:
- raise Exception("Invalid config, line %d: Error parsing line (quoting issue?)" % linenr)
+ raise Exception("Invalid config, line %d: Error parsing line (may be a quoting issue)." % linenr)
# add some convencience get functions
return result
+# helper function: execute a process, return output as iterator, throw exception if there was an error
+# you *must* iterate to the end if you use this!
+def processOutputGen(*args):
+ with subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p:
+ for line in p.stdout:
+ yield line.decode("utf-8")
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception("Error executing "+str(args))
+def processOutputIt(*args):
+ return list(processOutputGen(*args)) # list() iterates over the generator
+# Run xrandr and return a dict of output names mapped to lists of available resolutions, each being a (width, height) pair.
+# An empty list indicates that the connector is disabled.
def getXrandrInformation():
- p = subprocess.Popen(["xrandr", "-q"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
connectors = {} # map of connector names to a list of resolutions
connector = None # current connector
- for line in p.stdout:
- # ignore screens
- if line.startswith("Screen"):
+ for line in processOutputGen("xrandr", "-q"):
+ # screen?
+ m = re.search(r'^Screen [0-9]+: ', line)
+ if m is not None: # ignore this line
+ connector = None
# new connector?
m = re.search(r'^([\w\-]+) (dis)?connected ', line)
if m is not None:
assert connector is not None
connectors[connector].append((int(m.groups()[0]), int(m.groups()[1])))
- p.communicate()
- if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Querying xrandr for data failed")
+ continue
+ # unknown line
+ # not fatal as my xrandr shows strange stuff when a display is enabled, but not connected
+ #raise Exception("Unknown line in xrandr output:\n"+line)
+ print("Warning: Unknown xrandr line %s" % line)
return connectors
+# convert a (width, height) pair into a string accepted by xrandr as argument for --mode
def res2xrandr(res):
(w, h) = res
return str(w)+'x'+str(h)
+# convert a (width, height) pair into a string to be displayed to the user
def res2user(res):
(w, h) = res
# get ratio
strRatio = '16:%d' % ratio
return '%dx%d (%s)' %(w, h, strRatio)
-def findAvailableConnector(tryConnectors):
+# return the first available connector from those listed in tryConnectors, skipping disabled connectors
+def findAvailableConnector(tryConnectors, allConnectors):
for connector in tryConnectors:
- if connector in connectors and connectors[connector]: # if the connector exists and is active (i.e. there is a resolution)
+ if connector in allConnectors and allConnectors[connector]: # if the connector exists and is active (i.e. there is a resolution)
return connector
return None
-# load connectors and options
-connectors = getXrandrInformation()
-config = loadConfigFile(os.getenv('HOME') + '/.dsl.conf')
-# find internal connector
-if 'internalConnector' in config:
- if len(config['internalConnector']) != 1:
- raise Exception("You must specify exactly one internal connector")
- internalConnector = config['internalConnector'][0]
- if not internalConnector in connectors:
- raise Exception("Connector %s does not exist, there is an error in your config file" % internalConnector)
- # auto-config
- internalConnector = findAvailableConnector(commonInternalConnectorNames)
- if internalConnector is None:
- raise Exception("Could not automatically find internal connector, please use ~/.dsl.conf to specify it manually")
-# all the rest is external then, obviously - unless the user wants to do that manually
-if 'externalConnectors' in config:
- externalConnectors = config['externalConnectors']
- for connector in externalConnectors:
- if not connector in connectors:
- raise Exception("Connector %s does not exist, there is an error in your config file" % internalConnector)
- externalConnectors = connectors.keys()
- externalConnectors.remove(internalConnector)
-if not externalConnectors:
- raise Exception("No external connector found - either your config is wrong, or your machine has only one connector")
-# default: screen off
-args = {} # maps connector names to xrand arguments
-for c in externalConnectors+[internalConnector]:
- args[c] = ["--off"]
-# Check what to do
-usedExternalConnector = findAvailableConnector(externalConnectors) # *the* external connector which is actually used
-if usedExternalConnector is not None: # there's an external screen connected, we need to ask what to do
- internalResolutions = connectors[internalConnector]
- externalResolutions = connectors[usedExternalConnector]
- extPosition = PositionSelection(usedExternalConnector, map(res2user, internalResolutions), map(res2user, externalResolutions))
- extPosition.exec_()
- if not extPosition.result(): sys.exit(1) # the user canceled
- extResolution = res2xrandr(externalResolutions[extPosition.extResolutions.currentIndex()])
- intResolution = res2xrandr(internalResolutions[extPosition.intResolutions.currentIndex()])
- # build command-line
- args[usedExternalConnector] = ["--mode", extResolution] # set external screen to desired resolution
- if extPosition.extOnly.isChecked():
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--primary"]
+# Return a (internalConnector, externalConnectors) pair: The name of the internal connector, and a list of external connectors.
+# Use the config file at ~/.dsl.conf and fall back to auto-detection
+def classifyConnectors(allConnectors):
+ config = loadConfigFile(os.getenv('HOME') + '/.dsl.conf')
+ # find internal connector
+ if 'internalConnector' in config:
+ if len(config['internalConnector']) != 1:
+ raise Exception("You must specify exactly one internal connector.")
+ internalConnector = config['internalConnector'][0]
+ if not internalConnector in allConnectors:
+ raise Exception("Connector %s does not exist, there is an error in your config file." % internalConnector)
- # there are two screens
- args[internalConnector] = ["--mode", intResolution] # set internal screen to desired resolution
- # set position
- if extPosition.posLeft.isChecked():
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--left-of", internalConnector]
- else:
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--right-of", internalConnector]
- # set primary screen
- if extPosition.primExt.isChecked():
- args[usedExternalConnector] += ["--primary"]
+ # auto-config
+ internalConnector = findAvailableConnector(commonInternalConnectorNames, allConnectors)
+ if internalConnector is None:
+ raise Exception("Could not automatically find internal connector, please use ~/.dsl.conf to specify it manually.")
+ # all the rest is external then, obviously - unless the user wants to do that manually
+ if 'externalConnectors' in config:
+ externalConnectors = config['externalConnectors']
+ for connector in externalConnectors:
+ if not connector in allConnectors:
+ raise Exception("Connector %s does not exist, there is an error in your config file." % connector)
+ if connector == internalConnector:
+ raise Exception("%s is both internal and external, that doesn't make sense." % connector)
+ else:
+ externalConnectors = list(allConnectors.keys())
+ externalConnectors.remove(internalConnector)
+ if not externalConnectors:
+ raise Exception("No external connector found - either your config is wrong, or your machine has only one connector.")
+ # done!
+ return (internalConnector, externalConnectors)
+# if we run top-level
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ # parse command-line arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='easy Display Setup for Laptops')
+ parser.add_argument("-f", "--frontend",
+ dest="frontend",
+ help="The frontend to be used for user interaction")
+ parser.add_argument("-r", "--relative-position",
+ dest="rel_position", choices=('left', 'right', 'external-only'),
+ help="Position of external screen relative to internal one")
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--internal-only",
+ dest="internal_only", action='store_true',
+ help="Enable internal screen, disable all the others (as if no external screen was connected")
+ cmdArgs = parser.parse_args()
+ # load frontend
+ frontend = getFrontend(cmdArgs.frontend)
+ # load connectors and classify them
+ connectors = getXrandrInformation()
+ (internalConnector, externalConnectors) = classifyConnectors(connectors)
+ # default: screen off
+ connectorArgs = {} # maps connector names to xrand arguments
+ for c in externalConnectors+[internalConnector]:
+ connectorArgs[c] = ["--off"]
+ # check whether we got an external screen or not
+ # Check what to do
+ usedExternalConnector = findAvailableConnector(externalConnectors, connectors) # *the* external connector which is actually used
+ if not cmdArgs.internal_only and usedExternalConnector is not None:
+ # there's an external screen connected, we need to get a setup
+ if cmdArgs.rel_position is not None:
+ # use command-line arguments (can we do this relPosition stuff more elegant?)
+ if cmdArgs.rel_position == 'left':
+ relPosition = RelativeScreenPosition.LEFT
+ elif cmdArgs.rel_position == 'right':
+ relPosition = RelativeScreenPosition.RIGHT
+ else:
+ relPosition = RelativeScreenPosition.EXTERNAL_ONLY
+ setup = ScreenSetup(relPosition, connectors[internalConnector][0], connectors[usedExternalConnector][0]) # use default resolutions
+ else:
+ # use GUI
+ setup = frontend.setup(connectors[internalConnector], connectors[usedExternalConnector])
+ if setup is None: sys.exit(1) # the user canceled
+ # apply it
+ connectorArgs[internalConnector] = setup.getInternalArgs()
+ connectorArgs[usedExternalConnector] = setup.getExternalArgs(internalConnector)
- args[internalConnector] += ["--primary"]
- # use first resolution
- args[internalConnector] = ["--mode", res2xrandr(connectors[internalConnector][0]), "--primary"]
-# and do it
-call = ["xrandr"]
-for name in args:
- call += ["--output", name] + args[name]
-print "Call that will be made:",call
+ # use first resolution of internal connector
+ connectorArgs[internalConnector] = ["--mode", res2xrandr(connectors[internalConnector][0]), "--primary"]
+ # and do it
+ call = ["xrandr"]
+ for name in connectorArgs:
+ call += ["--output", name] + connectorArgs[name]
+ print("Call that will be made:",call)
+ subprocess.check_call(call)
+ # make sure the internal screen is really, *really* turned on if requested
+ if cmdArgs.internal_only:
+ backlight = float(subprocess.check_output(["xbacklight", "-get"]).strip())
+ if backlight == 0: # it's completely turned off, we better enable it
+ subprocess.check_call(["xbacklight", "-set", "100"])
+ except Exception as e:
+ frontend.error(str(e))
+ raise