logger.error("StateMachine: Unable to list sound files in %s" % (SOUNDS_DIRECTORY+what))
soundfile = SOUNDS_DIRECTORY + what + '/' + random.choice(soundfiles)
- fire_and_forget_cmd ([SOUNDS_PLAYER,soundfile], logger.error, "StateMachine: ")
+ fire_and_forget_cmd ([SOUNDS_PLAYER,soundfile], "StateMachine: ")
+# convert an absolute nervlist to a relative one
+def nervlist_abs2rel(nervlist_abs):
+ nervlist_rel = []
+ last_t = 0
+ for (t, f) in nervlist_abs:
+ assert t >= last_t
+ nervlist_rel.append((t-last_t, f))
+ last_t = t
+ return nervlist_rel
+# StateAuf constants
# StateUnlocking constants
# StateAboutToOpen constants
-ABOUTOPEN_NERVLIST = [(5, lambda : play_sound("flipswitch")), (5, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (0, lambda:logger.warning("Space open but switch not flipped for 10 seconds")),\
- (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (0, lambda:logger.error("Space open but switch not flipped for 30 seconds")),\
- (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (6, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (4, lambda:logger.critical("Space open but switch not flipped for 60 seconds")),
- (59*60, lambda:logger.critical("Space open but switch not flipped for one hour"))]
+ABOUTOPEN_NERVLIST = nervlist_abs2rel([(5, lambda : play_sound("flipswitch")), (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")),\
+ (20, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (30, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (30, lambda:logger.error("Space open but switch not flipped for 30 seconds")),\
+ (40, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (50, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (60, lambda:play_sound("mail_sent")),
+ (60, lambda:logger.critical("Space open but switch not flipped for 60 seconds")), (120, lambda:play_sound("mail_sent")),
+ (10*60, lambda:logger.critical("Space open but switch not flipped for 10 minutes")),
+ (60*60, lambda:logger.critical("Space open but switch not flipped for one hour"))])
# Timeout we wait after the switch was switched to "Closed", until we assume nobody will open the door and we just lock it
# ALso the time we wait after the door was opend, till we assume something went wrong and start nerving
pins = self.pins()
if pins.space_active:
logger.info("Space activated, opening procedure completed")
+ if not self.old_pins().space_active and random.random() <= SWITCH_PRAISE_PROBABILITY:
+ play_sound("success")
return StateMachine.StateAuf(self.state_machine)
return super().handle_pins_event()
if not pins.space_active:
logger.info("StateMachine: space switch turned off - starting leaving procedure")
return StateMachine.StateAboutToLeave(self.state_machine)
+ if not pins.door_closed and self.old_pins().door_closed and random.random() <= HELLO_PROBABILITY:
+ play_sound("hello")
return super().handle_pins_event()
def on_leave(self):