+# DSL - easy Display Setup for Laptops
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Ralf Jung <post@ralfj.de>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import re, subprocess
+from enum import Enum
+## utility functions
+# execute a process, return output as iterator, throw exception if there was an error
+# you *must* iterate to the end if you use this!
+def processOutputGen(*args):
+ with subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p:
+ for line in p.stdout:
+ yield line.decode("utf-8")
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception("Error executing "+str(args))
+def processOutputIt(*args):
+ return list(processOutputGen(*args)) # list() iterates over the generator
+## the classes
+class RelativeScreenPosition(Enum):
+ '''Represents the relative position of the external screen to the internal one'''
+ LEFT = 0
+ RIGHT = 1
+ ABOVE = 2
+ BELOW = 3
+ MIRROR = 4
+class Resolution:
+ '''Represents a resolution of a screen'''
+ def __init__(self, width, height):
+ self.width = width
+ self.height = height
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Resolution):
+ return False
+ return self.width == other.width and self.height == other.height
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def __str__(self):
+ # get ratio
+ ratio = int(round(16.0*self.height/self.width))
+ if ratio == 12: # 16:12 = 4:3
+ strRatio = '4:3'
+ elif ratio == 13: # 16:12.8 = 5:4
+ strRatio = '5:4'
+ else: # let's just hope this will never be 14 or more...
+ strRatio = '16:%d' % ratio
+ return '%dx%d (%s)' %(self.width, self.height, strRatio)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'screen.Resolution('+self.forXrandr()+')'
+ def forXrandr(self):
+ return str(self.width)+'x'+str(self.height)
+class ScreenSetup:
+ '''Represents a screen configuration (relative to some notion of an "internal" and an "external" screen): Which screens are enabled with which resolution, how
+ are they positioned, which is the primary screen.'''
+ def __init__(self, intResolution, extResolution, relPosition = None, extIsPrimary = True):
+ '''The resolutions can be None to disable the screen, instances of Resolution. The last two arguments only matter if both screens are enabled.'''
+ assert intResolution is None or isinstance(intResolution, Resolution)
+ assert extResolution is None or isinstance(extResolution, Resolution)
+ self.intResolution = intResolution
+ self.extResolution = extResolution
+ self.relPosition = relPosition
+ self.extIsPrimary = extIsPrimary or self.intResolution is None # external is always primary if it is the only one
+ def getInternalArgs(self):
+ if self.intResolution is None:
+ return ["--off"]
+ args = ["--mode", self.intResolution.forXrandr()] # set internal screen to desired resolution
+ if not self.extIsPrimary:
+ args.append('--primary')
+ return args
+ def getExternalArgs(self, intName):
+ if self.extResolution is None:
+ return ["--off"]
+ args = ["--mode", self.extResolution.forXrandr()] # set external screen to desired resolution
+ if self.extIsPrimary:
+ args.append('--primary')
+ if self.intResolution is None:
+ return args
+ # set position
+ args += [{
+ RelativeScreenPosition.LEFT : '--left-of',
+ RelativeScreenPosition.RIGHT : '--right-of',
+ RelativeScreenPosition.ABOVE : '--above',
+ RelativeScreenPosition.BELOW : '--below',
+ RelativeScreenPosition.MIRROR: '--same-as',
+ }[self.relPosition], intName]
+ return args
+class ScreenSituation:
+ connectors = {} # maps connector names to lists of Resolution (empty list -> disabled connector)
+ internalConnector = None # name of the internal connector (will be an enabled one)
+ externalConnector = None # name of the used external connector (an enabled one), or None
+ '''Represents the "screen situation" a machine can be in: Which connectors exist, which resolutions do they have, what are the names for the internal and external screen'''
+ def __init__(self, internalConnectorNames, externalConnectorNames = None):
+ '''Both arguments are lists of connector names. The first one which exists and has a screen attached is chosen for that class. <externalConnectorNames> can be None to
+ just choose any remaining connector.'''
+ # which connectors are there?
+ self._getXrandrInformation()
+ print(self.connectors)
+ # figure out which is the internal connector
+ self.internalConnector = self._findAvailableConnector(internalConnectorNames)
+ if self.internalConnector is None:
+ raise Exception("Could not automatically find internal connector, please use ~/.dsl.conf to specify it manually.")
+ print(self.internalConnector)
+ # and the external one
+ if externalConnectorNames is None:
+ externalConnectorNames = list(self.connectors.keys())
+ externalConnectorNames.remove(self.internalConnector)
+ self.externalConnector = self._findAvailableConnector(externalConnectorNames)
+ print(self.externalConnector)
+ # Run xrandr and fill the dict of connector names mapped to lists of available resolutions.
+ def _getXrandrInformation(self):
+ connector = None # current connector
+ for line in processOutputGen("xrandr", "-q"):
+ # screen?
+ m = re.search(r'^Screen [0-9]+: ', line)
+ if m is not None: # ignore this line
+ connector = None
+ continue
+ # new connector?
+ m = re.search(r'^([\w\-]+) (dis)?connected ', line)
+ if m is not None:
+ connector = m.groups()[0]
+ assert connector not in self.connectors
+ self.connectors[connector] = []
+ continue
+ # new resolution?
+ m = re.search(r'^ ([\d]+)x([\d]+) +', line)
+ if m is not None:
+ resolution = Resolution(int(m.groups()[0]), int(m.groups()[1]))
+ assert connector is not None
+ self.connectors[connector].append(resolution)
+ continue
+ # unknown line
+ # not fatal, e.g. xrandr shows strange stuff when a display is enabled, but not connected
+ print("Warning: Unknown xrandr line %s" % line)
+ # return the first available connector from those listed in <tryConnectors>, skipping disabled connectors
+ def _findAvailableConnector(self, tryConnectors):
+ for connector in tryConnectors:
+ if connector in self.connectors and len(self.connectors[connector]): # if the connector exists and is active (i.e. there is a resolution)
+ return connector
+ return None
+ # return available internal resolutions
+ def internalResolutions(self):
+ return self.connectors[self.internalConnector]
+ # return available external resolutions (or None, if there is no external screen connected)
+ def externalResolutions(self):
+ if self.externalConnector is None:
+ return None
+ return self.connectors[self.externalConnector]
+ # return resolutions available for both internal and external screen
+ def commonResolutions(self):
+ internalRes = self.internalResolutions()
+ externalRes = self.externalResolutions()
+ assert externalRes is not None
+ return [res for res in externalRes if res in internalRes]
+ # compute the xrandr call
+ def forXrandr(self, setup):
+ # turn all screens off
+ connectorArgs = {} # maps connector names to xrand arguments
+ for c in self.connectors.keys():
+ connectorArgs[c] = ["--off"]
+ # set arguments for the relevant ones
+ connectorArgs[self.internalConnector] = setup.getInternalArgs()
+ if self.externalConnector is not None:
+ connectorArgs[self.externalConnector] = setup.getExternalArgs(self.internalConnector)
+ else:
+ assert setup.extResolution is None, "There's no external screen to set a resolution for"
+ # now compose the arguments
+ call = ["xrandr"]
+ for name in connectorArgs:
+ call += ["--output", name] + connectorArgs[name]
+ return call