-def update_domain(domain):
- '''Update the given domain, using the global server, user, password. Returns True on success, False on failure.'''
- global myip
- # check if the domain is already mapped to our current IP
- domainip = socket.gethostbyname(domain)
- if myip == domainip:
- # nothing to do
+def getCurIP(domain, family):
+ '''Return the current IP of the given <domain>. <family> can be socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6.'''
+ try:
+ addr = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, None, family=family)
+ return addr[0][4][0]
+ except socket.gaierror: # domain not found
+ return ""
+def getCurIPv4(domain):
+ '''Returns the current IPv4 address of the given domain'''
+ return getCurIP(domain, socket.AF_INET)
+def getCurIPv6(domain):
+ '''Returns the current IPv6 address of the given domain'''
+ return getCurIP(domain, socket.AF_INET6)
+def updateDomain(server, domain, ipv4, ipv6, password, verbose):
+ '''Update the given domain, using the server, password. ipv4 or ipv6 can be None to not update that record, or strings with the respective addresses.
+ Updates ae only performed if necessary.
+ Returns True on success, False on failure.'''
+ assert ipv4 is not None or ipv6 is not None
+ # check what the domain is currently mapped to
+ curIPv4 = getCurIPv4(domain)
+ curIPv6 = getCurIPv6(domain)
+ if verbose:
+ print("Current status of domain {0} is: IPv4 address '{1}', IPv6 address '{2}'".format(domain, curIPv4, curIPv6))
+ # check if there's something to do
+ needUpdate = (ipv4 is not None and curIPv4 != ipv4) or (ipv6 is not None and curIPv6 != ipv6)
+ if not needUpdate:
+ if verbose:
+ print("Everything already up-to-date, nothing to do")