_SYSTEMD_UNIT = postfix@-.service
warning: hostname [^\s]+ does not resolve to address [\da-fA-F.:]+(: Name or service not known)?
-warning: [._\w-]+\[[\da-fA-F.:]+\]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: [._\w-]+
+warning: [._\w-]+\[[\da-fA-F.:]+\]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: .+
warning: non-SMTP command from \w+\[[\da-fA-F.:]+\]: .*
-warning: TLS library problem: error:[0-9A-F]+:SSL routines:\w+:(no shared cipher|decryption failed or bad record mac):[\w./]+:\d+:
+warning: TLS library problem: error:[0-9A-F]+:SSL routines:\w+:(no shared cipher|decryption failed or bad record mac|unknown protocol|version too low):[\w./]+:\d+:
_SYSTEMD_UNIT = dovecot.service
auth: Warning: auth client \d+ disconnected with \d+ pending requests: (EOF|Connection reset by peer)
client [\da-fA-F.:]+#\d+ \([\w.-]+\): (zone transfer '[\w.-]+/AXFR/IN' denied|message parsing failed: (bad compression pointer|bad label type))
_SYSTEMD_UNIT = opendkim.service
-[A-Z0-9]+: (bad signature data|failed to parse authentication-results: header field)
+[A-Z0-9]+: (bad signature data|failed to parse [Aa]uthentication-[Rr]esults: header field)