{% if journalwatch is defined and journalwatch.postfix_slow | default(False) %}
warning: psc_cache_update: btree:/var/lib/postfix/[a-z_]+ (update|lookup) average delay is \d\d\d ms
{% endif %}
+{% if journalwatch is defined and journalwatch.strato_broken | default(False) %}
+warning: dnsblog reply timeout [0-9]+s for [\w._-]+
+warning: dnsblog_query: lookup error for DNS query .*
+{% endif %}
_SYSTEMD_UNIT = dovecot.service
auth: Warning: auth client \d+ disconnected with \d+ pending requests: (EOF|Connection reset by peer)
_SYSTEMD_UNIT = opendkim.service
[A-Z0-9]+: (bad signature data|failed to parse [Aa]uthentication-[Rr]esults: header field)
-[A-Z0-9]+: key retrieval failed \(s=[\w._-]+, d=[\w._-]+\): '[\w._-]+' record not found
+[A-Z0-9]+: key retrieval failed \(s=[\w._-]+, d=[\w._-]+\)(: '[\w._-]+' record not found)?