warning: hostname [\w._-]+ does not resolve to address [\da-fA-F.:]+(: .*)?
warning: [._\w-]+\[[\da-fA-F.:]+\]: SASL (LOGIN|PLAIN) authentication failed:.*
warning: non-SMTP command from [._\w-]+\[[\da-fA-F.:]+\]: .*
-warning: TLS library problem: error:[0-9A-F]+:SSL routines:\w+:(no shared cipher|decryption failed or bad record mac|unknown protocol|version too low):[\w./]+:\d+:
+warning: TLS library problem: error:[0-9A-F]+:SSL routines:\w+:.*
warning: dnsblog reply timeout \d+s for .*
warning: dnsblog_query: lookup error for DNS query .*: Host or domain name not found. Name service error .*
warning: ciphertext read/write timeout for \[[\da-fA-F.:]+\]:\d+
warning: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected -- dropping this connection
{% if journalwatch is defined and journalwatch.postfix_slow | default(False) %}
warning: psc_cache_update: btree:/var/lib/postfix/[a-z_]+ (update|lookup) average delay is \d\d\d ms
{% endif %}
error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for (invalid user [\w_-]*|[\w_-]+) from [\da-fA-F.:]+ port \d+ ssh2 \[preauth\]
error: (kex_exchange_identification|send_error|kex_protocol_error|kex protocol error|Bad remote protocol version identification|Protocol major versions differ|beginning MaxStartups throttling).*
fatal: ssh_packet_get_string: string is too large \[preauth\]
-error: userauth_pubkey: (parse request failed:|could not parse key:|cannot decode key:) ;*
+(error|fatal): userauth_pubkey: (parse request failed:|could not parse key:|cannot decode key:) .*
fatal: monitor_read: unpermitted request .*
error: key_from_blob: invalid format \[preauth\]