day = 24*hour
week = 7*day
-TCP = 'tcp'
-UDP = 'udp'
+REGEX_label = r'[a-zA-Z90-9]([a-zA-Z90-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z90-9])?' # max. 63 characters; must not start or end with hyphen
+def check_label(label: str) -> str:
+ pattern = r'^{0}$'.format(REGEX_label)
+ if re.match(pattern, label):
+ return label
+ raise Exception(label+" is not a valid label")
def check_hostname(name: str) -> str:
# check hostname for validity
- label = r'[a-zA-Z90-9]([a-zA-Z90-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z90-9])?' # must not start or end with hyphen
- pattern = r'^{0}(\.{0})*\.?'.format(label)
+ pattern = r'^{0}(\.{0})*\.?$'.format(REGEX_label)
if re.match(pattern, name):
return name
raise Exception(name+" is not a valid hostname")
+def check_hex(data: str) -> str:
+ if re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]+$', data):
+ return data
+ raise Exception(data+" is not valid hex data")
def time(time: int) -> str:
if time == 0:
return "0"
return result+str(datas[-1])
+## Enums
+class Protocol:
+ TCP = 'tcp'
+ UDP = 'udp'
+class Algorithm:
+ RSA_SHA256 = 8
+class Digest:
+ SHA1 = 1
+ SHA256 = 2
## Record types
class A:
def __init__(self, address: str) -> None:
class SRV:
def __init__(self, protocol: str, service: str, name: str, port: int, prio: int, weight: int) -> None:
- self._service = str(service)
- self._protocol = str(protocol)
+ self._service = check_label(service)
+ self._protocol = check_label(protocol)
self._priority = int(prio)
self._weight = int(weight)
self._port = int(port)
class TLSA:
- def __init__(self, protocol: str, port: int, key: str) -> None:
- # TODO: fix key stuff
+ class Usage:
+ CA = 0 # certificate must pass the usual CA check, with the CA specified by the TLSA record
+ EndEntity_PlusCAs = 1 # the certificate must match the TLSA record *and* pass the usual CA check
+ TrustAnchor = 2 # the certificate must pass a check with the TLSA record giving the (only) trust anchor
+ EndEntity = 3 # the certificate must match the TLSA record
+ class Selector:
+ Full = 0
+ SubjectPublicKeyInfo = 1
+ class MatchingType:
+ Exact = 0
+ SHA256 = 1
+ SHA512 = 2
+ def __init__(self, protocol: str, port: int, usage: int, selector: int, matching_type: int, data: str) -> None:
self._port = int(port)
self._protocol = str(protocol)
- self._key = str(key)
+ self._usage = int(usage)
+ self._selector = int(selector)
+ self._matching_type = int(matching_type)
+ self._data = check_hex(data)
def generate_rr(self, owner: str, zone: 'Zone') -> Any:
- return zone.RR('_{0}._{1}.{2}'.format(self._port, self._protocol, owner), 'TLSA', self._key)
+ return zone.RR('_{0}._{1}.{2}'.format(self._port, self._protocol, owner), 'TLSA', '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(self._usage, self._selector, self._matching_type, self._data))
class CNAME:
class DS:
- def __init__(self, key: str) -> None:
- # TODO: fix key stuff
- self._key = str(key)
+ def __init__(self, tag: int, alg: int, digest: int, key: str) -> None:
+ self._tag = int(tag)
+ self._key = check_hex(key)
+ self._alg = int(alg)
+ self._digest = int(digest)
def generate_rr(self, owner: str, zone: 'Zone') -> Any:
- return zone.RR(owner, 'DS', self._key)
+ return zone.RR(owner, 'DS', '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(self._tag, self._alg, self._digest, self._key))
## Higher-level classes
class Name:
return Name(CNAME(name))
-def Delegation(name: str, key: str = None) -> Name:
- records = [NS(name)]
- if key is not None:
- records.append(DS(key))
- return Name(*records)
+def Delegation(name: str) -> Name:
+ return Name(NS(name))
+def SecureDelegation(name: str, tag: int, alg: int, digest: int, key: str) -> Name:
+ return Name(NS(name), DS(tag, alg, digest, key))
class Zone: