(10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (0, lambda:logger.error("Space open but switch not flipped for 30 seconds")),\
(10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (10, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (6, lambda:play_sound("flipswitch")), (4, lambda:logger.critical("Space open but switch not flipped for 60 seconds"))]
-# StateAuf constants
-# time that must pass between two bell_ringing events to buzz the door again (seconds)
# Timeout we wait after the switch was switched to "Closed", until we assume nobody will open the door and we just lock it
# ALso the time we wait after the door was opend, till we assume something went wrong and start nerving
return self._nerver.nerv()
def pins(self):
return self.state_machine.pins
+ def old_pins(self):
+ return self.state_machine.old_pins
def actor(self):
return self.state_machine.actor
def handle_event(self,ev,arg): # don't override
# TODO: 202 notification also here if possible
def could_not_open(self):
- logger.critical("Couldn't open door after %d tries. Going back to StateZu." % OPEN_REPEAT_NUMBER)
+ logger.critical("StateMachine: Couldn't open door after %d tries. Going back to StateZu." % OPEN_REPEAT_NUMBER)
return StateMachine.StateZu(self.state_machine)
def handle_cmd_unlock_event(self, callback):
# intentionally not calling super() implementation
callback("299 redundant: Space seems to be already open. Still processing your request tough.")
- logger.info("Received OPEN command in StateAboutToOpen. This should not be necessary.")
+ logger.info("StateMachine: Received UNLOCK command in StateAboutToOpen. This should not be necessary.")
class StateAboutToOpen(AbstractStateWhereOpeningIsRedundant):
def handle_pins_event(self):
pins = self.pins()
- if pins.bell_ringing:
- # TODO: use old_pins instead of a timer
- now = time.time()
- if self.last_buzzed is None or now-self.last_buzzed < AUF_BELLBUZZ_REPEAT_TIME:
- logger.info("buzzing because of bell ringing in state auf")
- self.actor().act(Actor.CMD_BUZZ)
- self.last_buzzed = now
+ if pins.bell_ringing and not self.old_pins().bell_ringing:
+ # someone just pressed the bell
+ logger.info("StateMachine: buzzing because of bell ringing in state auf")
+ self.actor().act(Actor.CMD_BUZZ)
if not pins.space_active:
- logger.info("space switch off - starting leaving procedure")
+ logger.info("StateMachine: space switch off - starting leaving procedure")
return StateMachine.StateAboutToLeave(self.state_machine)
if pins.door_locked:
- logger.info("door manually locked, but space switch on - going to StateZu")
+ logger.info("StateMachine: door manually locked, but space switch on - going to StateZu")
return StateMachine.StateZu(self.state_machine)
pins = self.pins()
if not pins.door_closed:
# TODO play a sound? This shouldn't happen, door was opened while we are locking
- logger.warning("door manually opened during locking")
+ logger.warning("StateMachine: door manually opened during locking")
return StateMachine.StateAboutToOpen(self.state_machine)
if pins.door_locked:
return StateMachine.StateZu(self.state_machine)
def handle_cmd_unlock_event(self,callback):
callback("409 conflict: The server is currently trying to lock the door. Try again later.")
def could_not_close(self):
- logger.critical("Couldn't close door after %d tries. Going back to StateAboutToOpen." % CLOSE_REPEAT_NUMBER)
+ logger.critical("StateMachine: Couldn't close door after %d tries. Going back to StateAboutToOpen." % CLOSE_REPEAT_NUMBER)
return StateMachine.StateAboutToOpen(self.state_machine)
class StateAboutToLeave(State):
newstate = self.current_state.handle_event(cmd,arg) # returns None or an instance of the new state
self.old_pins = self.pins
while newstate is not None:
- logger.debug("StateMachine: new state = %s" % newstate.__class__.__name__)
+ logger.debug("StateMachine: Doing state transition %s -> %s" % (self.current_state.__class__.__name__, newstate.__class__.__name__))
self.current_state = newstate
newstate = self.current_state.handle_event(StateMachine.CMD_PINS, self.pins)