# Logging configuration
syslogLevel = logging.INFO
mailLevel = logging.CRITICAL # must be "larger" than syslog level!
-mailAddress = ['post+tuer'+'@'+'ralfj.de', 'vorstand@lists.hacksaar.de']
+from config import mailAddress
printLevel = logging.DEBUG
# Mail logging handler
from threading import Lock
+from libtuer import ThreadFunction, logger
+import urllib.request
+from config import spaceApiKey
class SpaceApi:
- __init__ (self, waker):
+ def __init__ (self, waker):
self._state_to_set = None
self._state_last_set = None
self._running = True
def stop (self):
+ def _do_request(self, state):
+ state_val = 1 if state else 0
+ try:
+ logger.info("Setting SpaceAPI to %d" % state_val)
+ url = "http://spaceapi.hacksaar.de/status.php?action=update&key=%s&status=%d" % (spaceApiKey, state_val)
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=5.0)
+ responseText = response.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
+ if response.getcode() == 200 and responseText == "UpdateSuccessful": return True
+ logger.error("SpaceAPI returned unexpected code %d, content %s" % (response.getcode(), responseText))
+ return False
+ except urllib.request.URLError as e:
+ logger.error("SpaceAPI update returned error: %s" % str(e))
+ return False
# set_state is the asynchronous version of _set_state (see __init__)
def _set_state (self, state = None):
'''Sets the state, if None: leave state unchanged and re-try if previous attempts failed'''
# check if there's something we need to do
if self._state_last_set == state: return
# take action!
- error = do_request(stts) # TODO
- #TODO logging
- #TODO error too often -> log critical to send mails
- if not error:
- self.state_last_set = stts
+ success = self._do_request(state)
+ # TODO error too often -> log critical to send mails
+ if success:
+ self._state_last_set = state
-from libtuer import ThreadFunction, logger, fire_and_forget
+from libtuer import ThreadFunction, logger, fire_and_forget, fire_and_forget_cmd
from actor import Actor
import os, random, time, threading
return self.state_machine.old_pins
def actor(self):
return self.state_machine.actor
+ def api(self):
+ return self.state_machine.api
def handle_event(self,ev,arg): # don't override
if ev == StateMachine.CMD_PINS:
return self.handle_pins_event()
nervlist = [(24*60*60, lambda: logger.critical("Space is now open for 24h. Is everything all right?"))]
super().__init__(sm, nervlist)
self.last_buzzed = None
+ self.api().set_state(True)
def handle_pins_event(self):
pins = self.pins()
if pins.bell_ringing and not self.old_pins().bell_ringing: # first thing to check: edge detection
logger.info("StateMachine: space switch turned off - starting leaving procedure")
return StateMachine.StateAboutToLeave(self.state_machine)
return super().handle_pins_event()
+ def on_leave(self):
+ self.api().set_state(False)
class StateLocking(AbstractUnlockedState):
def __init__(self,sm):
return StateMachine.StateAuf(self.state_machine)
return super().handle_pins_event()
- def __init__(self, actor, waker, fallback = False):
+ def __init__(self, actor, waker, api, fallback = False):
self.actor = actor
+ self.api = api
self.callback = ThreadFunction(self._callback, name="StateMachine")
self.current_state = StateMachine.StateStart(self, fallback=fallback)
self.pins = None
self.old_pins = None
waker.register(lambda: self.callback(StateMachine.CMD_WAKEUP), 1.0) # wake up every second
+ # initially, the space is closed
+ api.set_state(False)
def stop (self):
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
-import statemachine, actor, pins, tysock, waker
+import statemachine, actor, pins, tysock, waker, spaceapi
from libtuer import logger
import argparse
# bring 'em all up
the_actor = actor.Actor()
the_waker = waker.Waker()
-the_machine = statemachine.StateMachine(the_actor, the_waker, args.fallback)
+the_api = spaceapi.SpaceApi(the_waker)
+the_machine = statemachine.StateMachine(the_actor, the_waker, the_api, args.fallback)
the_socket = tysock.TySocket(the_machine)
the_pins = pins.PinsWatcher(the_machine)
the_waker.stop() # this one first, it "randomly" calls other threads
the_pins.stop() # as does this
# shutdown GPIO stuff