-# commands: on a pin do a series of timed on/off switches
-class Pinoutput:
- # name is for logging and also used for mapping command names to instances of this class
- # actionsanddelays is a list of pairs: (bool to set on pin, delay in seconds to wait afterwards)
- def __init__ (self, name, pinnumber, actionsanddelays):
- self.name = name
- self.pin = pinnumber
- self.todo = actionsanddelays
- GPIO.setup(pinnumber, GPIO.OUT)
- log ("Pin %d set to be an output pin for %s." % (pinnumber,name))
- # actually send the signal to the pins
- def __call__ (self, conn):
- for (value,delay) in self.todo:
- GPIO.output(self.pin, value)
- log ("%s: Pin %d set to %s." % (self.name,self.pin,str(value)))
- time.sleep(delay)
- # notify success
- waynesend(conn,b"1")
-# ******** configuration *********
-tuergroupid = 1005
-socketname = "/run/tuer.sock"
-pinlist = [Pinoutput("open", 12, [(True, 0.3), (False, 5.0)]),
- Pinoutput("close", 16, [(True, 0.3), (False, 5.0)]),
- Pinoutput("buzz", 22, [(True, 2.0), (False, 0.1)])]
-# ******** main *********
-# at the end do a cleanup