-# command convenience shortcuts
-def filterCommonPrefix (strings, length):
- # ignores duplicates in the string list "strings"
- toremove=[]
- for a in strings:
- for b in strings:
- if a != b:
- if a[:length] == b[:length]:
- toremove.append(a)
- toremove.append(b)
- ret = list(strings) # copy
- for x in toremove:
- try:
- ret.remove(x)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return ret
-def shortcutify (dic):
- maxlen = 0
- for x in dic.keys():
- if len(x) > maxlen:
- maxlen = len(x)
- for i in range(maxlen):
- shortable = filterCommonPrefix (dic.keys(), i)
- for x in shortable:
- dic[x[:i]] = dic[x]
- return dic # only for convenience, as dic is passed by reference
-longcommands = commands.copy()
-shortcutify (commands)
+def complete_command(cmd):
+ '''returns a list of commands (as strings) starting with cmd'''
+ return list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(cmd), commands.keys()))
+readline.set_completer(lambda cmd, num: (complete_command(cmd)+[None])[num]) # wrap complete_command for readline's weird completer API
+readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") # run completion on tab