let mut vec: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
// The central handle to the standard input is made available by the function `io::stdin`.
let stdin = io::stdin();
- println!("Enter a list of numbers, one per line. End with Ctrl-D.");
+ println!("Enter a list of numbers, one per line. End with Ctrl-D (Linux) or Ctrl-Z (Windows).");
//@ We would now like to iterate over standard input line-by-line. We can use a `for` loop
//@ for that, but there is a catch: What happens if there is some other piece of code running
//@ concurrently, that also reads from standard input? The result would be a mess. Hence
let mut vec: Vec<i32> = Vec::<i32>::new();
// The central handle to the standard input is made available by the function `io::stdin`.
let stdin = io::stdin();
- println!("Enter a list of numbers, one per line. End with Ctrl-D.");
+ println!("Enter a list of numbers, one per line. End with Ctrl-D (Linux) or Ctrl-Z (Windows).");
for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
// Rust's type for (dynamic, growable) strings is `String`. However, our variable `line`
// here is not yet of that type: It has type `io::Result<String>`.