-// `&mut` is the operator to create a mutable borrow. We have to mark `v` as mutable in order to create such a
-// borrow. Because the borrow passed to `vec_inc` only lasts as long as the function call, we can still call
-// `vec_inc` on the same vector twice: The durations of the two borrows do not overlap, so we never have more
-// than one mutable borrow. However, we can *not* create a shared borrow that spans a call to `vec_inc`. Just try
-// enabling the commented-out lines, and watch Rust complain. This is because `vec_inc` could mutate
-// the vector structurally (i.e., it could add or remove elements), and hence the pointer `first`
-// could become invalid. In other words, Rust keeps us safe from bugs like the one in the C++ snipped above.
-// Above, I said that having a mutable borrow excludes aliasing. But if you look at the code above carefully,
-// you may say: "Wait! Don't the `v` in `mutable_borrow_demo` and the `v` in `vec_inc` alias?" And you are right,
-// they do. However, the `v` in `mutable_borrow_demo` is not actually usable, it is not *active*: As long as there is an
-// outstanding borrow, Rust will not allow you to do anything with `v`.
+//@ `&mut` is the operator to create a mutable borrow. We have to mark `v` as mutable in order to create such a
+//@ borrow: Even though we completely own `v`, Rust tries to protect us from accidentally mutating things.
+//@ Hence owned variables that you intend to mutate, have to be annotated with `mut`.
+//@ Because the borrow passed to `vec_inc` only lasts as long as the function call, we can still call
+//@ `vec_inc` on the same vector twice: The durations of the two borrows do not overlap, so we never have more
+//@ than one mutable borrow. However, we can *not* create a shared borrow that spans a call to `vec_inc`. Just try
+//@ enabling the commented-out lines, and watch Rust complain. This is because `vec_inc` could mutate
+//@ the vector structurally (i.e., it could add or remove elements), and hence the pointer `first`
+//@ could become invalid. In other words, Rust keeps us safe from bugs like the one in the C++ snipped above.
+//@ Above, I said that having a mutable borrow excludes aliasing. But if you look at the code above carefully,
+//@ you may say: "Wait! Don't the `v` in `mutable_borrow_demo` and the `v` in `vec_inc` alias?" And you are right,
+//@ they do. However, the `v` in `mutable_borrow_demo` is not actually usable, it is not *active*: As long as there is an
+//@ outstanding borrow, Rust will not allow you to do anything with `v`.