// So, let us write a function to "add with carry", and give it the appropriate type. Notice Rust's
// native support for pairs.
fn overflowing_add(a: u64, b: u64, carry: bool) -> (u64, bool) {
//@ Rust's stanza on integer overflows may be a bit surprising: In general, when we write `a +
//@ b`, an overflow is considered an *error*. If you compile your program in debug mode, Rust
//@ will actually check for that error and panic the program in case of overflows. For
//@ other operand. In this case, it will also be `BigInt` (and we could have left it away, since
//@ that's the default).
impl ops::Add<BigInt> for BigInt {
//@ Besides static functions and methods, traits can contain *associated types*: This is a type
//@ chosen by every particular implementation of the trait. The methods of the trait can then
//@ refer to that type. In the case of addition, it is used to give the type of the result.
//@ The `cfg` attribute controls whether this module is even compiled: If we added some functions
//@ that are useful for testing, Rust would not bother compiling them when you just build your
//@ program for normal use. Other than that, tests work as usually.
mod tests {
use part05::BigInt;