+.tmp/docs/%.rs: src/%.rs Makefile dup-unimpl.sed
+ @mkdir -p .tmp/docs
+ @echo "$< -> $@"
+ @# sed-fu: remove the "@" from "//@", and remove trailing "/*@*/", replace lines ending in "/*@@*/" by "unimplemented!()".
+ @# Also coalesce multiple adjacent such lines to one.
+ @sed 's|^\(\s*//\)@|\1|;s|\s*/\*@\*/$$||;s|\(\s*\)\S.*/\*@@\*/|\1unimplemented!()|' $< | sed -f dup-unimpl.sed > $@
+docs/%.html: .tmp/docs/%.rs
+ @./pycco-rs $<
+## Workspace
+# The generated files are shipped only for the benefit of Windows users, who
+# typically don't have the necessary tools for generating the workspace
+# available.
+workspace: $(WORKSPACEFILES)
+workspace/src/%.rs: src/%.rs Makefile dup-unimpl.sed
+ @mkdir -p .tmp/docs
+ @echo "$< -> $@"
+ @# sed-fu: remove lines starting with "//@", and replace those ending in "/*@*/" by "unimplemented!()".
+ @# Also coalesce multiple adjacent such lines to one.
+ @sed '/^\s*\/\/@/d;s|\(\s*\)\S.*/\*@\*/|\1unimplemented!()|' $< | sed -f dup-unimpl.sed > $@
+ # Don't touch this file
+## Crates
+ @cargo build
+ @cd workspace && cargo build
+ @cd solutions && cargo build && cargo test