-//@ Modules can be put into separate files with the syntax `mod name;`. To explain this, let me take a small detour through
-//@ the Rust compilation process. Cargo starts by invoking`rustc` on the file `src/lib.rs` or `src/main.rs`, depending on whether
-//@ you compile an application or a library. When `rustc` encounters a `mod name;`, it looks for the files `name.rs` and
-//@ `name/mod.rs` and goes on compiling there. (It is an error for both of them to exist.) You can think of the contents of the
-//@ file being embedded at this place. However, only the file where compilation started, and files `name/mod.rs` can load modules
-//@ from other files. This ensures that the directory structure mirrors the structure of the modules, with `mod.rs`, `lib.rs`
-//@ and `main.rs` representing a directory or crate itself (similar to, e.g., `__init__.py` in Python).
-// **Exercise 08.6**: Write a subtraction function, and testcases for it. Decide for yourself how you want to handle negative results.
-// For example, you may want to return an `Option`, to panic, or to return `0`.
-//@ [index](main.html) | [previous](part07.html) | [next](part09.html)
+//@ Modules can be put into separate files with the syntax `mod name;`. To explain this, let me
+//@ take a small detour through the Rust compilation process. Cargo starts by invoking`rustc` on
+//@ the file `src/lib.rs` or `src/main.rs`, depending on whether you compile an application or a
+//@ library. When `rustc` encounters a `mod name;`, it looks for the files `name.rs` and
+//@ `name/mod.rs` and goes on compiling there. (It is an error for both of them to exist.)
+//@ You can think of the contents of the file being embedded at this place. However, only the file
+//@ where compilation started, and files `name/mod.rs` can load modules from other files. This
+//@ ensures that the directory structure mirrors the structure of the modules, with `mod.rs`,
+//@ `lib.rs` and `main.rs` representing a directory or crate itself (similar to, e.g.,
+//@ `__init__.py` in Python).
+// **Exercise 08.6**: Write a subtraction function, and testcases for it. Decide for yourself how
+// you want to handle negative results. For example, you may want to return an `Option`, to panic,
+// or to return `0`.
+//@ [index](main.html) | [previous](part07.html) | [raw source](workspace/src/part08.rs) |
+//@ [next](part09.html)