-.. _Docco: https://jashkenas.github.io/docco/
-.. _the rendered output: https://ralfjung.github.io/rust-101/main.html
+You can either read through the sources in ``src/``, or generate the HTML in
+``docs/`` using ``make docs`` (this step needs Pycco_), or go directly to
+`the rendered output`_.
+The files ``workspace/src/part*.rs`` are generated by ``make workspace``.
+.. _Pycco: https://fitzgen.github.io/pycco/
+.. _the rendered output: https://www.ralfj.de/projects/rust-101/main.html
+Source, License
+You can find the sources in the `git repository`_ (also available `on GitHub`_).
+They are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
+International license (`CC-BY-SA 4.0`_). See the file ``LICENSE-CC`` for more
+.. _git repository: http://www.ralfj.de/git/rust-101.git
+.. _on GitHub: https://github.com/RalfJung/rust-101
+.. _CC-BY-SA 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
+If you found a bug, or want to leave a comment, please
+`send me a mail <mailto:post-AT-ralfj-DOT-de>`_. I'm also happy about pull
+requests :)