-//@ Of course, the counting example from last time does not work anymore: It needs to mutate the environment, which a `Fn`
-//@ cannot do. The strict borrowing Rules of Rust are getting into our way. However, when it comes to mutating a mere number
-//@ (`usize`), there's not really any chance of problems coming up. Everybody can read and write that variable just as they want.
-//@ So it would be rather sad if we were not able to write this program. Lucky enough, Rust's standard library provides a
-//@ solution in the form of `Cell<T>`. This type represents a memory cell of some type `T`, providing the two basic operations
-//@ `get` and `set`. `get` returns a *copy* of the content of the cell, so all this works only if `T` is `Copy`.
-//@ `set`, which overrides the content, only needs a *shared reference* to the cell. The phenomenon of a type that permits mutation through
-//@ shared references (i.e., mutation despite the possibility of aliasing) is called *interior mutability*. You can think
-//@ of `set` changing only the *contents* of the cell, not its *identity*. In contrast, the kind of mutation we saw so far was
-//@ about replacing one piece of data by something else of the same type. This is called *inherited mutability*. <br/>
-//@ Notice that it is impossible to *borrow* the contents of the cell, and that is actually the key to why this is safe.
+//@ Of course, the counting example from last time does not work anymore: It needs to mutate the
+//@ environment, which a `Fn` cannot do. The strict borrowing Rules of Rust are getting into our
+//@ way. However, when it comes to mutating a mere number (`usize`), there's not really any chance
+//@ of problems coming up. Everybody can read and write that variable just as they want.
+//@ So it would be rather sad if we were not able to write this program. Lucky enough, Rust's
+//@ standard library provides a solution in the form of `Cell<T>`. This type represents a memory
+//@ cell of some type `T`, providing the two basic operations `get` and `set`. `get` returns a
+//@ *copy* of the content of the cell, so all this works only if `T` is `Copy`.
+//@ `set`, which overrides the content, only needs a *shared reference* to the cell. The phenomenon
+//@ of a type that permits mutation through shared references (i.e., mutation despite the
+//@ possibility of aliasing) is called *interior mutability*. You can think of `set` changing only
+//@ the *contents* of the cell, not its *identity*. In contrast, the kind of mutation we saw so far
+//@ was about replacing one piece of data by something else of the same type. This is called
+//@ *inherited mutability*. <br/>
+//@ Notice that it is impossible to *borrow* the contents of the cell, and that is actually the key
+//@ to why this is safe.