-// The actual course is in the partXX.rs files. The part 00-03 cover some basic of the language,
-// to give you a feeling for Rust's syntax and pervasive mechanisms like pattern matching and traits.
-// Parts 04-?? introduce the heart of the language, the mechanism making it different from anything
-// else out there.
-// I suggest you get started with [the first part](part00.html), or jump directly to where you left off:
-// * [Part 00](part00.html)
-// * [Part 01](part01.html)
-// * [Part 02](part02.html)
-// * [Part 03](part03.html)
-// * [Part 04](part04.html)
-// * [Part 05](part05.html) (WIP)
-// * (to be continued)
-#![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables, unused_mut)]
+// Open `your-workspace/src/part00.rs` in your favorite editor, and follow the link below for
+// the explanations and exercises. You are ready to start. Have fun!
+// ### Introduction
+// * [Part 00: Algebraic datatypes](part00.html)
+// * [Part 01: Expressions, Inherent methods](part01.html)
+// * [Part 02: Generic types, Traits](part02.html)
+// * [Part 03: Input](part03.html)
+// ### Basic Rust
+// * [Part 04: Ownership, Borrowing, References](part04.html)
+// * [Part 05: Clone](part05.html)
+// * [Part 06: Copy, Lifetimes](part06.html)
+// * [Part 07: Operator Overloading, Tests, Formating](part07.html)
+// * [Part 08: Associated Types, Modules](part08.html)
+// * [Part 09: Iterators](part09.html)
+// * [Part 10: Closures](part10.html)
+// ### Advanced Rust
+// * [Part 11: Trait Objects, Box, Lifetime bounds](part11.html)
+// * [Part 12: Rc, Interior Mutability, Cell, RefCell](part12.html)
+// * [Part 13: Concurrency, Arc, Send](part13.html)
+// * [Part 14: Slices, Arrays, External Dependencies](part14.html)
+// * [Part 15: Mutex, Interior Mutability (cont.), RwLock, Sync](part15.html)
+// * [Part 16: Unsafe Rust, Drop](part16.html)
+#![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables, unused_mut, unreachable_code)]