-// **Exercise 12.1**: Change rgrep such that it prints not only the matching lines, but also the name of the file
-// and the number of the line in the file. You will have to change the type of the channels from `String` to something
-// that records this extra information.
-//@ ## Ownership, Borrowing, and Concurrency
-//@ The little demo above showed that concurrency in Rust has a fairly simple API. Considering Rust has closures,
-//@ that should not be entirely surprising. However, as it turns out, Rust goes well beyond this and actually ensures
-//@ the absence of data races. <br/>
-//@ A data race is typically defined as having two concurrent, unsynchronized
-//@ accesses to the same memory location, at least one of which is a write. In other words, a data race is mutation in
-//@ the presence of aliasing, which Rust reliably rules out! It turns out that the same mechanism that makes our single-threaded
-//@ programs memory safe, and that prevents us from invalidating iterators, also helps secure our multi-threaded code against
-//@ data races. For example, notice how `read_files` sends a `String` to `filter_lines`. At run-time, only the pointer to
-//@ the character data will actually be moved around (just like when a `String` is passed to a function with full ownership). However,
-//@ `read_files` has to *give up* ownership of the string to perform `send`, to it is impossible for an outstanding borrow to
-//@ still be around. After it sent the string to the other side, `read_files` has no pointer into the string content
-//@ anymore, and hence no way to race on the data with someone else.
-//@ There is a little more to this. Remember the `'static` bound we had to add to `register` in the previous part, to make
-//@ sure that the callbacks do not reference any pointers that might become invalid? This is just as crucial for spawning
-//@ a thread: In general, that thread could last for much longer than the current stack frame. Thus, it must not use
-//@ any pointers to data in that stack frame. This is achieved by requiring the `FnOnce` closure passed to `thread::spawn`
-//@ to be valid for lifetime `'static`, as you can see in [its documentation](http://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/thread/fn.spawn.html).
-//@ This avoids another kind of data race, where the thread's access races with the callee deallocating its stack frame.
-//@ It is only thanks to the concept of lifetimes that this can be expressed as part of the type of `spawn`.
-//@ ## Send
-//@ However, the story goes even further. I said above that `Arc` is a thread-safe version of `Rc`, which uses atomic operations
-//@ to manipulate the reference count. It is thus crucial that we don't use `Rc` across multiple threads, or the reference count may
-//@ become invalid. And indeed, if you replace `Arc` by `Rc` (and add the appropriate imports), Rust will tell you that something
-//@ is wrong. That's great, of course, but how did it do that?
-//@ The answer is already hinted at in the error: It will say something about `Send`. You may have noticed that the closure in
-//@ `thread::spawn` does not just have a `'static` bound, but also has to satisfy `Send`. `Send` is a trait, and just like `Copy`,
-//@ it's just a marker - there are no functions provided by `Send`. What the trait says is that types which are `Send`, can be
-//@ safely sent to another thread without causing trouble. Of course, all the primitive data-types are `Send`. So is `Arc`,
-//@ which is why Rust accepted our code. But `Rc` is not `Send`, and for a good reason!
+// ## Interior Mutability
+//@ Of course, the counting example from last time does not work anymore: It needs to mutate the environment, which a `Fn`
+//@ cannot do. The strict borrowing Rules of Rust are getting into our way. However, when it comes to mutating a mere number
+//@ (`usize`), there's not really any chance of problems coming up. Everybody can read and write that variable just as they want.
+//@ So it would be rather sad if we were not able to write this program. Lucky enough, Rust's standard library provides a
+//@ solution in the form of `Cell<T>`. This type represents a memory cell of some type `T`, providing the two basic operations
+//@ `get` and `set`. `get` returns a *copy* of the content of the cell, so all this works only if `T` is `Copy`.
+//@ `set`, which overrides the content, only needs a *shared borrow* of the cell. The phenomenon of a type that permits mutation through
+//@ shared borrows (i.e., mutation despite the possibility of aliasing) is called *interior mutability*. You can think
+//@ of `set` changing only the *contents* of the cell, not its *identity*. In contrast, the kind of mutation we saw so far was
+//@ about replacing one piece of data by something else of the same type. This is called *exterior mutability*. <br/>
+//@ Notice that it is impossible to *borrow* the contents of the cell, and that is actually the key to why this is safe.
+// So, let us put our counter in a `Cell`, and replicate the example from the previous part.
+fn demo_cell(c: &mut Callbacks) {
+ {
+ let count = Cell::new(0);
+ // Again, we have to move ownership if the `count` into the environment closure.
+ c.register(move |val| {
+ // In here, all we have is a shared borrow of our environment. But that's good enough for the `get` and `set` of the cell!
+ //@ At run-time, the `Cell` will be almost entirely compiled away, so this becomes pretty much equivalent to the version
+ //@ we wrote in the previous part.
+ let new_count = count.get()+1;
+ count.set(new_count);
+ println!("Callback 2: {} ({}. time)", val, new_count);
+ } );
+ }
+ c.call(2); c.clone().call(3);
+//@ It is worth mentioning that `Rc` itself also has to make use of interior mutability: When you `clone` an `Rc`, all it has available
+//@ is a shared borrow. However, it has to increment the reference count! Internally, `Rc` uses `Cell` for the count, such that it
+//@ can be updated during `clone`.
+// ## `RefCell`
+//@ As the next step in the evolution of `Callbacks`, we could try to solve this problem of mutability once and for all, by adding `Cell`
+//@ to `Callbacks` such that clients don't have to worry about this. However, that won't end up working: Remember that `Cell` only works
+//@ with types that are `Copy`, which the environment of a closure will never be. We need a variant of `Cell` that allows borrowing its
+//@ contents, such that we can provide a `FnMut` with its environment. But if `Cell` would allow that, we could write down all those
+//@ crashing C++ programs that we wanted to get rid of.