+// Course Content
+// --------------
+// The part 00-03 cover some basic of the language, to give you a feeling for Rust's syntax and pervasive
+// mechanisms like pattern matching and traits. Parts 04-06 introduce the heart of the language, the ideas
+// making it different from anything else out there: Ownership, borrowing, lifetimes. In part 07-??, we
+// continue our tour through Rust with another example. Finally, in parts ??-??, we implement our own
+// version of `grep`, exhibiting some more Rust features as we go.
+// Now, open `your-workspace/src/part00.rs` in your favorite editor, and follow the link below for
+// the explanations and exercises. Have fun!
+// * [Part 00: Algebraic datatypes](part00.html)
+// * [Part 01: Expressions, Inherent methods](part01.html)
+// * [Part 02: Generic types, Traits](part02.html)
+// * [Part 03: Input](part03.html)
+// * [Part 04: Ownership, Borrowing](part04.html)
+// * [Part 05: Clone](part05.html)
+// * [Part 06: Copy, Lifetimes](part06.html)
+// * [Part 07: Operator Overloading, Tests, Formating](part07.html)
+// * [Part 08: Associated Types, Modules](part08.html)
+// * [Part 09: Iterators](part09.html)
+// * (to be continued)
+#![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables, unused_mut)]