//@ This restriction propagates up to `Callbacks` itself. What could we do about this?
//@ ## `Rc`
//@ The solution is to find some way of cloning `Callbacks` without cloning the environments. This
-//@ can be achieved with `Rc<T>`, a *reference-counted* pointer. This is is another example of a
+//@ can be achieved with `Rc<T>`, a *reference-counted* pointer. This is another example of a
//@ smart pointer. You can `clone` an `Rc` as often as you want, that doesn't affect the data it
//@ contains. It only creates more references to the same data. Once all the references are gone,
//@ the data is deleted.
// `borrow_mut`.
//@ At run-time, the cell will keep track of the number of outstanding shared and
//@ mutable references, and panic if the rules are violated. <br />
//@ For this check to be performed, `closure` is a *guard*: Rather than a normal
//@ reference, `borrow_mut` returns a smart pointer ([`RefMut`](https://doc.rust-
//@ lang.org/stable/std/cell/struct.RefMut.html), in this case) that waits until is