impl Action for PrintWithString {
- // Here we perform performs the actual printing of the prefix and the digit. We're not making use of our ability to
+ // Here we perform the actual printing of the prefix and the digit. We're not making use of our ability to
// change `self` here, but we could replace the prefix if we wanted.
fn do_action(&mut self, digit: u64) {
println!("{}{}", self.prefix, digit); /*@*/
// And as a final example, one can also collect all elements of an iterator, and put them, e.g., in a vector.
fn filter_vec_by_divisor(v: &Vec<i32>, divisor: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
//@ Here, the return type of `collect` is inferred based on the return type of our function. In general, it can return anything implementing
- //@ [`FromIterator`](http://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/iter/trait.FromIterator.html). Notice that `iter` gives us an iterator over
+ //@ [`FromIterator`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/iter/trait.FromIterator.html). Notice that `iter` gives us an iterator over
//@ borrowed `i32`, but we want to own them for the result, so we insert a `map` to dereference.
v.iter().map(|n| *n).filter(|n| *n % divisor == 0).collect() /*@*/
-// **Exercise 10.1**: Look up the [documentation of `Iterator`](http://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html) to learn about more functions
+// **Exercise 10.1**: Look up the [documentation of `Iterator`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html) to learn about more functions
// that can act on iterators. Try using some of them. What about a function that sums the even numbers of an iterator? Or a function that computes the
// product of those numbers that sit at odd positions? A function that checks whether a vector contains a certain number? Whether all numbers are
// smaller than some threshold? Be creative!
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