// **Exercise 15.1**: Add an operation `compare_and_inc(&self, test: usize, by: usize)` that increments the counter by
// `by` *only if* the current value is `test`.
-// **Exercise 15.2**: Rather than panicking in case the lock is poisoned, we can use `into_innter` on the error to recover
+// **Exercise 15.2**: Rather than panicking in case the lock is poisoned, we can use `into_inner` on the error to recover
// the data inside the lock. Change the code above to do that. Try using `unwrap_or_else` for this job.
//@ ## `RwLock`
//@ [Rust RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0458-send-improvements.md), which contains a type `RcMut` that would be `Sync` and not `Send`.
//@ You may also be interested in [this blog post](https://huonw.github.io/blog/2015/02/some-notes-on-send-and-sync/) on the topic.
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