+// Why Rust?
+// ---------
+// When you got here, I am kind of assuming that you already decided to give Rust at
+// least a look, so that I don't have to do much convincing here. But just in
+// case, here's why I think Rust is worth learning:<br/>
+// At this time, Rust is a language with a pretty unique set of goals. Rust aims to
+// achieve C++-style control over memory and execution behavior (like, static vs. dynamic
+// dispatch), which makes it possible to construct abstractions that carry no run-time
+// cost. This is combined with the comfort of high-level functional languages and guaranteed
+// safety (as in, the program will not crash in uncontrolled ways). The vast majority of existing
+// languages sacrifices control for safety (for example, by enforcing the usage of
+// a garbage collector) or vice versa. Rust can run without dynamic allocation (i.e., without
+// a heap), and even without an operating system. In fact, Rust rules out more classes of bugs
+// than languages that achieve safety with a garbage collector: Besides dangling pointers and
+// double-free, Rust also prevents issues such as iterator invalidation and data races. Finally,
+// it cleans up behind you, and deallocates resources (memory, but also file descriptors and really
+// anything) when you don't need them anymore.
+// Getting started
+// ---------------
+// You will need to have Rust installed, of course. It is available for download on
+// [the Rust website](https://www.rust-lang.org/). Make sure you get at least version 1.3.
+// More detailed installation instructions are provided in
+// [the second chapter of The Book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/installing-rust.html).
+// This will also install `cargo`, the tool responsible for building rust projects (or *crates*).
+// Next, we have to prepare a workspace for you to conduct your Rust-101 work in, so that you don't
+// have to start with an empty file. The easiest way is to [download the workspace](https://www.ralfj.de/projects/rust-101/workspace.zip)
+// matching the online tutorial. Try `cargo build` in that new folder to check that compiling your workspace succeeds.
+// (You can also execute it with `cargo run`, but you'll need to do some work before this does anything useful.)
+// Alternatively, you can build the workspace from source by fetching the [git repository](https://www.ralfj.de/git/rust-101.git)
+// and running `make workspace`.