-// If you go back to our example with `vec_min`, and try to call that function twice, you will
-// get the same error. That's because `vec_min` demands that the caller transfers ownership of the
-// vector. Hence, when `vec_min` finishes, the entire vector is deleted. That's of course not what
-// we wanted! Can't we somehow give `vec_min` access to the vector, while retaining ownership of it?
-// Rust calls this *borrowing* the vector, and it works a bit like borrowing does in the real world:
-// If you borrow a book to your friend, your friend can have it and work on it (and you can't!)
-// as long as the book is still borrowed. Your friend could even borrow the book to someone else.
-// Eventually however, your friend has to give the book back to you, at which point you again
-// have full control.
-// Rust distinguishes between two kinds of borrows. First of all, there's the *shared* borrow.
-// This is where the book metaphor kind of breaks down... you can give a shared borrow of
-// *the same data* to lots of different people, who can all access the data. This of course
-// introduces aliasing, so in order to live up to its promise of safety, Rust does not allow
-// mutation through a shared borrow.