-// FIXME TODO some old outdated explanation FIXME TODO
-//@ [`RefCell`](http://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/std/cell/struct.RefCell.html)
-//@ [`is very much like `RwLock`, but it's not thread-safe: "Locking" is done without atomic operations.
-//@ One can also see it as a dynamically checked version of Rust's usual borrowing rules. You have to explicitly say
-//@ when you want to borrow the data in there shared, or mutably, and Rust will complain at run-time if you have
-//@ a mutable borrow while any other borrow is active. You can then write programs that Rust may otherwise not
-//@ accept. Sending a shared borrow to this to another thread is dangerous, as the checks are not performed in
-//@ a thread-safe manner. However, sending the *entire* `RefCell` is okay, because there's only ever one owner, and all
-//@ we need to ensure is that everybody attempting to borrow is in the same thread as the owner. <br/>
-//@ [`Cell<T>`](http://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/std/cell/struct.Cell.html) is like a stripped-down version of `RefCell<T>`: It doesn't allow
-//@ you to borrow its content. Instead, it has a methods `get` and `set` to change the value stored in the cell, and to copy it out.
-//@ For obvious reasons, this requires `T` to be `Copy`.
-//@ You can also think about all these types coming from the other end: Starting with `Cell`, we have a primitive for
-//@ interior mutability that provides `get` and `set`, both just requiring a shared borrow. Think of these functions as
-//@ mutating the *content* of the cell, but not the cell itself, the container. (Just like in ML, where assignment to a
-//@ `ref` changes the content, not the location.) However, due to the ownership discipline, `Cell` only works for types
-//@ that are `Copy`. Hence we also have `RefCell`, which allows working with the data right in the cell, rather than
-//@ having to copy it out. `RefCell` uses non-atomic operations for this purpose, so for the multi-threaded setting, there's
-//@ the thread-safe `RwLock`. And finally, in case a distinction between readers and writers is not helpful, one can use the
-//@ more efficient `Mutex`.
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