previousSetup = None # None or the ScreenSetup used the last time this external screen was connected
'''Represents the "screen situation" a machine can be in: Which connectors exist, which resolutions do they have, what are the names for the internal and external screen'''
previousSetup = None # None or the ScreenSetup used the last time this external screen was connected
'''Represents the "screen situation" a machine can be in: Which connectors exist, which resolutions do they have, what are the names for the internal and external screen'''
'''Both arguments are lists of connector names. The first one which exists and has a screen attached is chosen for that class. <externalConnectorNames> can be None to
just choose any remaining connector.'''
# which connectors are there?
'''Both arguments are lists of connector names. The first one which exists and has a screen attached is chosen for that class. <externalConnectorNames> can be None to