The user should be asked about his display setup preferences.
The function returns None if the user cancelled, and an instance of dsl.ScreenSetup otherwise.
-import sys
import collections
+from qt_frontend import QtFrontend
from cli_frontend import CLIFrontend
from zenity_frontend import ZenityFrontend
-# Qt frontend
-class QtFrontend:
- def __init__(self):
- from PyQt4 import QtGui
- = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
- print("Qt loaded")
- def error(self, message):
- from PyQt4 import QtGui
- QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Fatal error', message)
- def setup(self, situation):
- from qt_dialogue import PositionSelection
- return PositionSelection(situation).run()
- @staticmethod
- def isAvailable():
- try:
- import PyQt4
- return True
- except ImportError:
- return False
# list of available frontends
frontends = collections.OrderedDict()
+++ /dev/null
-# DSL - easy Display Setup for Laptops
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Ralf Jung <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import os
-from screen import RelativeScreenPosition, ScreenSetup
-from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic
-class PositionSelection(QtGui.QDialog):
- def __init__(self, situation):
- # set up main window
- super(PositionSelection, self).__init__()
- self._situation = situation
- uifile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'qt_dialogue.ui')
- uic.loadUi(uifile, self)
- # fill relative position box
- for pos in RelativeScreenPosition:
- self.relPos.addItem(pos.text, pos)
- # keep resolutions in sync when in mirror mode
- def syncIfMirror(source, target):
- def _slot(idx):
- if self.isMirror:
- target.setCurrentIndex(idx)
- source.currentIndexChanged.connect(_slot)
- syncIfMirror(self.intRes, self.extRes)
- syncIfMirror(self.extRes, self.intRes)
- # connect the update function, and make sure we are in a correct state
- self.intEnabled.toggled.connect(self.updateEnabledControls)
- self.extEnabled.toggled.connect(self.updateEnabledControls)
- self.relPos.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateEnabledControls)
- self.updateEnabledControls()
- def getRelativeScreenPosition(self):
- idx = self.relPos.currentIndex()
- return self.relPos.itemData(idx)
- def fillResolutionBox(self, box, resolutions):
- # if the count did not change, update in-place (this avoids flicker)
- if box.count() == len(resolutions):
- for idx, res in enumerate(resolutions):
- box.setItemText(idx, str(res))
- box.setItemData(idx, res)
- else:
- # first clear it
- while box.count() > 0:
- box.removeItem(0)
- # then fill it
- for res in resolutions:
- box.addItem(str(res), res)
- def updateEnabledControls(self):
- intEnabled = self.intEnabled.isChecked()
- extEnabled = self.extEnabled.isChecked()
- bothEnabled = intEnabled and extEnabled
- self.isMirror = bothEnabled and self.getRelativeScreenPosition() == RelativeScreenPosition.MIRROR # only if both are enabled, we can really mirror
- # configure screen controls
- self.intRes.setEnabled(intEnabled)
- self.intPrimary.setEnabled(intEnabled and not self.isMirror)
- self.extRes.setEnabled(extEnabled)
- self.extPrimary.setEnabled(extEnabled and not self.isMirror)
- if not intEnabled and extEnabled:
- self.extPrimary.setChecked(True)
- elif not extEnabled and intEnabled:
- self.intPrimary.setChecked(True)
- # which resolutions do we offer?
- if self.isMirror:
- commonRes = self._situation.commonResolutions()
- self.fillResolutionBox(self.intRes, commonRes)
- self.fillResolutionBox(self.extRes, commonRes)
- self.intRes.setCurrentIndex(self.extRes.currentIndex())
- else:
- self.fillResolutionBox(self.intRes, self._situation.internalResolutions())
- self.fillResolutionBox(self.extRes, self._situation.externalResolutions())
- # configure position control
- self.posGroup.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
- self.posLabel1.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
- self.posLabel2.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
- self.relPos.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
- # avoid having no screen
- self.buttonBox.button(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(intEnabled or extEnabled)
- def run(self):
- self.exec_()
- if not self.result(): return None
- intRes = self.intRes.itemData(self.intRes.currentIndex()) if self.intEnabled.isChecked() else None
- extRes = self.extRes.itemData(self.extRes.currentIndex()) if self.extEnabled.isChecked() else None
- return ScreenSetup(intRes, extRes, self.getRelativeScreenPosition(), self.extPrimary.isChecked())
--- /dev/null
+# DSL - easy Display Setup for Laptops
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Ralf Jung <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import sys, os
+from screen import RelativeScreenPosition, ScreenSetup
+ # Be fine with PyQt4 not being installed
+ from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic
+ class PositionSelection(QtGui.QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, situation):
+ # set up main window
+ super(PositionSelection, self).__init__()
+ self._situation = situation
+ uifile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'qt_dialogue.ui')
+ uic.loadUi(uifile, self)
+ # fill relative position box
+ for pos in RelativeScreenPosition:
+ self.relPos.addItem(pos.text, pos)
+ # keep resolutions in sync when in mirror mode
+ def syncIfMirror(source, target):
+ def _slot(idx):
+ if self.isMirror:
+ target.setCurrentIndex(idx)
+ source.currentIndexChanged.connect(_slot)
+ syncIfMirror(self.intRes, self.extRes)
+ syncIfMirror(self.extRes, self.intRes)
+ # connect the update function, and make sure we are in a correct state
+ self.intEnabled.toggled.connect(self.updateEnabledControls)
+ self.extEnabled.toggled.connect(self.updateEnabledControls)
+ self.relPos.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateEnabledControls)
+ self.updateEnabledControls()
+ def getRelativeScreenPosition(self):
+ idx = self.relPos.currentIndex()
+ return self.relPos.itemData(idx)
+ def fillResolutionBox(self, box, resolutions):
+ # if the count did not change, update in-place (this avoids flicker)
+ if box.count() == len(resolutions):
+ for idx, res in enumerate(resolutions):
+ box.setItemText(idx, str(res))
+ box.setItemData(idx, res)
+ else:
+ # first clear it
+ while box.count() > 0:
+ box.removeItem(0)
+ # then fill it
+ for res in resolutions:
+ box.addItem(str(res), res)
+ def updateEnabledControls(self):
+ intEnabled = self.intEnabled.isChecked()
+ extEnabled = self.extEnabled.isChecked()
+ bothEnabled = intEnabled and extEnabled
+ self.isMirror = bothEnabled and self.getRelativeScreenPosition() == RelativeScreenPosition.MIRROR # only if both are enabled, we can really mirror
+ # configure screen controls
+ self.intRes.setEnabled(intEnabled)
+ self.intPrimary.setEnabled(intEnabled and not self.isMirror)
+ self.extRes.setEnabled(extEnabled)
+ self.extPrimary.setEnabled(extEnabled and not self.isMirror)
+ if not intEnabled and extEnabled:
+ self.extPrimary.setChecked(True)
+ elif not extEnabled and intEnabled:
+ self.intPrimary.setChecked(True)
+ # which resolutions do we offer?
+ if self.isMirror:
+ commonRes = self._situation.commonResolutions()
+ self.fillResolutionBox(self.intRes, commonRes)
+ self.fillResolutionBox(self.extRes, commonRes)
+ self.intRes.setCurrentIndex(self.extRes.currentIndex())
+ else:
+ self.fillResolutionBox(self.intRes, self._situation.internalResolutions())
+ self.fillResolutionBox(self.extRes, self._situation.externalResolutions())
+ # configure position control
+ self.posGroup.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
+ self.posLabel1.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
+ self.posLabel2.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
+ self.relPos.setEnabled(bothEnabled)
+ # avoid having no screen
+ self.buttonBox.button(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(intEnabled or extEnabled)
+ def run(self):
+ self.exec_()
+ if not self.result(): return None
+ intRes = self.intRes.itemData(self.intRes.currentIndex()) if self.intEnabled.isChecked() else None
+ extRes = self.extRes.itemData(self.extRes.currentIndex()) if self.extEnabled.isChecked() else None
+ return ScreenSetup(intRes, extRes, self.getRelativeScreenPosition(), self.extPrimary.isChecked())
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# Qt frontend
+class QtFrontend:
+ def __init__(self):
+ from PyQt4 import QtGui
+ = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+ print("Qt loaded")
+ def error(self, message):
+ from PyQt4 import QtGui
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Fatal error', message)
+ def setup(self, situation):
+ return PositionSelection(situation).run()
+ @staticmethod
+ def isAvailable():
+ try:
+ import PyQt4
+ return True
+ except ImportError:
+ return False