-def launch_dbus_proxy(flags):
- """Launches the dbus proxy and returns the bwrap flags to be used to talk to it."""
- # Prepare a pipe to coordinate shutdown of bwrap and the proxy
- bwrap_end, other_end = os.pipe() # both FDs are "non-inheritable" now
- # Invoke the debus-proxy
- filename = BUBBLEBOX_DIR + "/bus-" + randname()
- args = ["/usr/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy", "--fd="+str(other_end)]
- args += [os.environ["DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"], filename, "--filter"] + flags
- #pprint(args)
- subprocess.Popen(
- args,
- pass_fds = [other_end], # default is to pass only the std FDs!
- )
- # Wait until the proxy is ready
- os.read(bwrap_end, 1)
- assert os.path.exists(filename)
- # Make sure bwrap can access the other end of the pipe
- os.set_inheritable(bwrap_end, True)
- # Put this at the usual location for the bus insode the sandbox.
- # TODO: What if DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS says something else?
- return ["--bind", filename, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + "/bus", "--sync-fd", str(bwrap_end)]
+class GroupDirective:
+ """Directive that groups a bunch of directives to be treated as one."""
+ def __init__(self, directives):
+ self.directives = directives
+ def setup(self, bwrap):
+ for directive in self.directives:
+ directive.setup(bwrap)
+class DbusProxyDirective:
+ """Directive that sets up a d-bus proxy and adds flags to it.
+ If the directive is used multiple times, the flags accumulate."""
+ def __init__(self, dbus_proxy_flags):
+ self.dbus_proxy_flags = dbus_proxy_flags
+ def setup(self, bwrap):
+ if bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags is None:
+ # We are the first d-bus proxy directive. Set up the flags and the finalizer.
+ bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags = []
+ bwrap.finalizers.append(DbusProxyDirective.launch_dbus_proxy)
+ # Always add the flags.
+ bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags.extend(self.dbus_proxy_flags)
+ def launch_dbus_proxy(bwrap):
+ """Finalizer that launches a d-bus proxy with the flags accumulated in `bwrap`."""
+ # Prepare a pipe to coordinate shutdown of bwrap and the proxy
+ bwrap_end, other_end = os.pipe() # both FDs are "non-inheritable" now
+ # Invoke the debus-proxy
+ filename = BUBBLEBOX_DIR + "/bus-" + randname()
+ args = ["/usr/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy", "--fd="+str(other_end)]
+ args += [os.environ["DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"], filename, "--filter"] + bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags
+ #pprint(args)
+ subprocess.Popen(
+ args,
+ pass_fds = [other_end], # default is to pass only the std FDs!
+ )
+ # Wait until the proxy is ready
+ os.read(bwrap_end, 1)
+ assert os.path.exists(filename)
+ # Make sure bwrap can access the other end of the pipe
+ os.set_inheritable(bwrap_end, True)
+ # Put this at the usual location for the bus insode the sandbox.
+ # TODO: What if DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS says something else?
+ bwrap.flags.extend(["--bind", filename, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + "/bus", "--sync-fd", str(bwrap_end)])