+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# auto-debuild - Automatic Generation of Debian Packages
# Copyright (C) 2012 Ralf Jung <post@ralfj.de>
print(".PHONY: build", file=f) # there may be a directory called "build"
- print("build %:", file=f) # need to mention "build" here again explicitly so PHONY takes effect
+ print("%:", file=f)
# write proper dh call
dh = self.dh
if self.dhWith:
# and HOST_GNU_TYPE are equal, and if they are not, add a --host parameter)
r.dh += ["--buildsystem=autoconf", "--builddirectory="+config.getstr('buildDir')]
r.rules['auto_configure'] = [
+ (safeCall(*config['autogen']) + " && " if 'autogen' in config else '') +
safeCall("mkdir", "-p", buildDir),
safeCall("cd", buildDir) + " && " +
'BUILD_TYPE=$$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) && ' + # doing the expansion beforehand ensures that we cancel if it fails
buildSystem = buildSystems[config.getstr('buildSystem')] # get the data immediately
version = config.getstr('version') # version name excluding epoch (used for filenames)
fullVersion = str(config.getint('epoch'))+':'+version if 'epoch' in config else version # version name including epoch
- dbgPackage = config.getbool('dbgPackage', False)
parallelJobs = config.getint('parallelJobs', multiprocessing.cpu_count()+1)
packageArchitecture = config.getstr('architecture', 'any')
withPython2 = config.getbool('withPython2', False)
writeDependency(f, "Replaces", config.get('binaryReplaces', []) + config.get('binaryBreaksReplaces', []))
print("Description:",sourceName,"(auto-debuild)", file=f)
print(" Package auto-generated by auto-debuild.", file=f)
- files.append(os.path.join(debDir, "%s_%s_%s.deb" % (binaryName, version, arch)))
- # debug package
- if dbgPackage:
- print(file=f)
- print("Package:",binaryName+"-dbg", file=f)
- print("Section: debug", file=f)
- print("Priority: extra", file=f)
- print("Architecture:",packageArchitecture, file=f)
- writeDependency(f, "Depends", ["${misc:Depends}", binaryName+" (= ${binary:Version})"])
- print("Description:",sourceName,"debug smbols (auto-debuild)", file=f)
- print(" Package containing debug symbols for "+sourceName+", auto-generated by auto-debuild.", file=f)
- files.append(os.path.join(debDir, "%s-dbg_%s_%s.deb" % (binaryName, version, arch)))
+ files.append(os.path.join(debDir, "{}_{}_{}.deb".format(binaryName, version, arch)))
+ files.append(os.path.join(debDir, "{}-dbgsym_{}_{}.deb".format(binaryName, version, arch)))
# shim packages
for shim in config.get('binaryShims', []):
writeDependency(f, "Depends", ["${misc:Depends}", binaryName+" (= ${binary:Version})"])
print("Description:",sourceName,"shim for",shim,"(auto-debuild)", file=f)
print(" Package pretending to be "+shim+", auto-generated by auto-debuild.", file=f)
- files.append(os.path.join(debDir, "%s_%s_%s.deb" % (shim, version, arch)))
+ files.append(os.path.join(debDir, "{}_{}_{}.deb".format(shim, version, arch)))
# install file
with open('debian/'+binaryName+'.install', 'w') as f:
for line in config.get('binaryInstallFiles', []):
buildSystem.ruleMaker(r, config)
# global rules
r.env["DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"] = 'parallel='+str(parallelJobs)
- if not dbgPackage:
- # disable debug information
- r.env["DEB_CFLAGS_APPEND"] = '-g0'
- r.env["DEB_CXXFLAGS_APPEND"] = '-g0'
r.dh += ['--parallel']
if withPython2:
# installation rule
if 'binarySkipFiles' in config:
r.rules['auto_install'].append(safeCall('cd', 'debian/'+binaryName) + " && " + safeCall('rm', *config.get('binarySkipFiles')))
- # debug packages
- if dbgPackage:
- r.rules['strip'] = [safeCall('dh_strip', '--dbg-package='+binaryName+"-dbg")] # put debug files in appropriate package
# make the doc folder of the other packages a symlink (dbg, shims)
r.rules['installdocs'] = [safeCall('dh_installdocs', '--link-doc='+binaryName)]
# wait after configuration?