parallelJobs = config.getint('parallelJobs', 2)
packageArchitecture = config.getstr('architecture', 'any')
withPython2 = config.getbool('withPython2', False)
+ withSIP = config.getbool('withSIP', False)
withAutoreconf = config.getbool('withAutoreconf', False)
# add some build dependencies (a bit hacky adding it to the build system...)
+ if withSIP:
+ withPython2 = True
+ buildSystem.buildDepends.append("python-sip")
+ buildSystem.binaryDepends.append("${sip:Depends}")
if withPython2:
+ buildSystem.buildDepends.append("python")
if withAutoreconf:
- buildSystem.binaryDepends.append("dh-autoreconf")
+ buildSystem.buildDepends.append("dh-autoreconf")
# we return the list of files generated, so we need to know the architecture
arch = getArchitecture(config)
files = []
if withPython2:
r.rules['python2'] = ['dh_python2 --no-guessing-versions --no-shebang-rewrite']
+ if withSIP:
+ r.rules['python2'].append(safeCall('dh_sip', '-p'+binaryName))
if withAutoreconf:
r.rules['builddeb'] = [safeCall('dh_builddeb', "--destdir="+debDir)] # passing this gobally to dh results in weird problems (like stuff being installed there, and not in the package...)
config = loadConfigFile('auto-debuild.conf')
# generate debian files
if os.path.exists('debian'):
- if raw_input("A debian folder already exists, to you want to remove it (y/N)? ").lower() != "y":
+ if raw_input("A debian folder already exists, do you want to remove it (y/N)? ").lower() != "y":
files = createDebianFiles(config)