buildSystem = config['buildSystem']
version = config['version']
dbgPackage = config.get('dbgPackage', False)
+ parallelJobs = int(config.get('parallelJobs', 2))
packageArchitecture = config.get('architecture', 'any')
# we return the list of files generated, so we need to know the architecture
arch = getArchitecture(config)
raise Exception("Invalid build system "+buildSystem)
# global rules
- r.env["DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"] = 'parallel=2'
+ r.env["DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"] = 'parallel='+str(parallelJobs)
if not dbgPackage:
# disable debug information
r.env["DEB_CFLAGS_APPEND"] = '-g0'
r.dh += ['--parallel']
r.rules['builddeb'] = [safeCall(['dh_builddeb', "--destdir="+debDir])] # passing this gobally to dh results in weird problems (like stuff being installed there, and not in the package...)
r.rules['auto_test'] = []
+ # installation rule
r.rules['auto_install'] = [safeCall(['dh_auto_install', '--destdir=debian/'+binaryName])] # install everything into the binary package
+ if 'binarySkipFiles' in config:
+ r.rules['auto_install'].append(safeCall(['cd', 'debian/'+binaryName]) + " && " +
+ safeCall(['rm'] + config['binarySkipFiles']))
# for debug packages
if dbgPackage:
r.rules['strip'] = [safeCall(['dh_strip', '--dbg-package='+binaryName+"-dbg"])] # put debug files in appropriate package