-[^3]: This disconnect between the type and the value may seem somewhat strange, but we are actually not very concerned with *types* at this point. Types serve to classify values with the goal of establishing certain guarantees about a program, so we can only really start talking about types once we are done defining our set of values and program behaviors. Still, this means there are safe programs that miri cannot execute, such as `(Box::new(0).into_raw() as usize) * 2`. To avoid trouble with multiplication, I proposed to only allow "normal" integer values for integer types when doing [compile-time function evaluation]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2018-07-19-const %}). However, this makes pointer-integer casts a "const-unsafe" operation, because they do not actually produce a "fully operational" integer.
-This is the most lazy thing to do, and we do it because it is not clear what else to do -- in our abstract machine, there is no single coherent "address space" that all allocations live in, that we could use to map every pointer to a distinct integer.
-Every allocation is just identified by a (unobservable) ID.
+I should clarify that this is *not* a good solution when defining language semantics.
+It works fine for an interpreter though.
+It is the most lazy thing to do, and we do it because it is not clear what else to do (other than not supporting these casts at all -- but this way, miri can run more programs):
+In our abstract machine, there just is no single coherent "address space" that all allocations live in, that we could use to map every pointer to a distinct integer.
+Every allocation is just identified by an (unobservable) ID.