+Some will disagree here and say: "Wait, but there is some `unsafe` code in `Vec`, and without that `unsafe` code `evil` would be all right, so isn't the problem actually that `unsafe` code?"
+This observation is correct, however I don't think this position is useful in practice.
+`Vec` with `evil` clearly is a faulty data structure, and to fix the bug, we would remove `evil`.
+We would never even think about changing the `unsafe` code such that `evil` would be okay, that would defeat the entire purpose of `Vec`.
+In that sense, it is `evil` which is the problem, and not the `unsafe` code.
+This may seem obvious in hindsight (and it is also [discussed in the Rustonomicon](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nomicon/working-with-unsafe.html)), but I think it is actually fairly subtle.