I didn't plan this out in advance, so things are a bit more messy than I would like.
* [Stacked Borrows: An Aliasing Model For Rust]({% post_url 2018-08-07-stacked-borrows %}) is the first post of the series and describes my initial ideas of what Stacked Borrows would look like before I started implementing them. It might be interesting for some of the context it gives, but is largely superseded by the next post.
I didn't plan this out in advance, so things are a bit more messy than I would like.
* [Stacked Borrows: An Aliasing Model For Rust]({% post_url 2018-08-07-stacked-borrows %}) is the first post of the series and describes my initial ideas of what Stacked Borrows would look like before I started implementing them. It might be interesting for some of the context it gives, but is largely superseded by the next post.