{% assign cururl = item.url | prepend: include.base %}
{% assign isparent_search = canonicalurl | truncate: cururl.size, '' %}
{% capture class %}{% if cururl == canonicalurl %}current{% elsif include.above != true %}child{% elsif isparent_search == cururl %}parent{% else %}sibling{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
- {% comment %} Now we can output the item and it substructure {% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %} Now we can output the item and it substructure. Try hard not to output unnecessary spaces! {% endcomment %}
--><li class="{{ class }}"><a href="{{ item.url | prepend: include.base }}">{{ item.title }}</a></li><!--
{% if item.structure and (class == "current" or class == "parent") %}
{% if cururl == canonicalurl %}{% assign above = false %}{% else %}{% assign above = true %}{% endif %}
-->{% include menu-level.html menu=item.structure base=cururl above=above %}<!--
{% endif %}
--->{% endfor %}</ul>
+-->{% endfor %}</ul>
\ No newline at end of file