# Site settings
-title: ralfj.de
url: "https://www.ralfj.de"
+permalink: "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title.html"
+timezone: "Europe/Berlin"
- - url: "/"
- title: "ralfj.de"
- structure:
- - url: "projects/"
- title: "Projects"
- structure:
- - url: "lilass/"
- title: LiLaSS
- - url: "schsh/"
- title: schsh
- - url: "cs/"
- title: "Research"
+ title: "Ralf's Ramblings"
+ description: "Ralf rambling on things"
+ src_base: "/home/r/src"
+ out_base: "projects"
+ projects:
+ - name: "lilass"
+ - name: "dyn-nsupdate"
+ - name: "zonemaker"
+ - name: "schsh"
+ - name: "rust-101"
+ src: "rust/rust-101"
+ - name: "git-mirror"
- scope:
- path: "" # all files in the project
+ path: "" # all files in the project
+ values:
+ layout: "page"
+ - scope:
+ path: ""
+ type: "posts"
- layout: "default"
+ rss: true
+ pretitle: "Ralf's Ramblings"
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown