## Shifting responsibility
-However, it turns out that compilers writers consider these optimizations important enough that they came up with an alternative solution:
+However, it turns out that compiler writers consider these optimizations important enough that they came up with an alternative solution:
Instead of having the compiler verify such assumptions, they declared the programmer responsible.
For example, the C standard says that memory accesses have to happen with the right "effective type": If data was stored with a `float` pointer, it must not be read with an `int` pointer.
It is with such considerations in my mind that I have previously written about [miri as an executable specification]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2017-06-06-MIR-semantics %}).
Coming up next on this channel: During my [internship]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2017-05-23-internship-starting %}), I am working on such a specification.
-I have a draft ready now, and I will share it with the world to see what the world thinks about it.
+My ideas are concrete enough now that I can write down a draft, which I will share with the world to see what the world thinks about it.