-Three months ago, I proposed [Stacked Borrows]({% post_url
-2018-08-07-stacked-borrows %}) as a model for defining what kinds of aliasing
-are allowed in Rust, and the idea of a [validity invariant]({% post_url
-2018-08-22-two-kinds-of-invariants %}) that has to be maintained by all code at
-all times. Since then I have been busy implementing both of these, and
+Three months ago, I proposed Stacked Borrows as a model for defining what kinds
+of aliasing are allowed in Rust, and the idea of a [validity invariant]({%
+post_url 2018-08-22-two-kinds-of-invariants %}) that has to be maintained by all
+code at all times. Since then I have been busy implementing both of these, and