4 Maintainer: Ralf Jung <post@ralfj.de>
5 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), libasound2-dev, libfuse-dev, libpulse-dev
6 Standards-Version: 3.9.3
7 Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/osspd/
8 Vcs-Browser: http://www.ralfj.de/git/osspd.git
9 Vcs-Git: git://ralfj.de/osspd.git
12 Architecture: linux-any
13 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, lsb-base (>= 3.2-14)
14 Recommends: pulseaudio
15 Description: OSS Proxy Daemon: Userland OSS emulation
16 OSS Proxy Daemon is a Linux userland OSS sound device (/dev/[a]dsp and
17 /dev/mixer) implementation using CUSE. Currently it supports
18 forwarding OSS sound streams to PulseAudio and ALSA.
20 Actually emulating the OSS devices makes for a more robust emulation compared
21 to OSS wrappers using LD_PRELOAD, like aoss and padsp. It also works better
22 when running foreign-architecture applications or using old libc versions for
23 compatibility reasons.
26 Architecture: linux-any
27 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, osspd (= ${binary:Version})
30 Description: OSS Proxy Daemon: Debugging symbols
31 OSS Proxy Daemon is a Linux userland OSS sound device (/dev/[a]dsp and
32 /dev/mixer) implementation using CUSE. Currently it supports
33 forwarding OSS sound streams to PulseAudio and ALSA.
35 This package contains the debugging symbols for the OSS Proxy Daemon.