-This should compile the binary ``dyn-nsupdate``. If you want to put the files in
-another directory, change the configuration file name accordingly. You can now
-install it and the sample configuration file, and set their permissions::
+This should compile the binary ``dyn-nsupdate``. Notice that the path to the
+configuration file will be hard-coded into the binary. If it were run-time
+configurable, then a user could call the script with her own configuration file,
+gaining access to all domains BIND lets you configure. If you want to put the
+files in another directory, change the configuration file name accordingly. Make
+sure the file (nor any of the directories it is in) can *not be written by
+non-root*. The setuid wrapper trusts that file. You can now install it and the
+sample configuration file, and set their permissions::