os.makedirs(BUBBLEBOX_DIR, exist_ok=True)
-def flat_map(f, xs):
- """Concatenate the result of applying `f` to each element of `xs` to a list.
- `None` is treated like the empty list."""
- ys = []
- for x in xs:
- x_mapped = f(x)
- if x_mapped is not None:
- ys.extend(x_mapped)
- return ys
-def globexpand(base, names):
- return flat_map(lambda x: glob.glob(base + "/" + x), names)
def randname():
# choose from all lowercase letter
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(8))
-class BoxFlags:
- """Flags that configure the bubblebox"""
- def __init__(self, bwrap_flags = None, dbus_proxy_flags = None):
+class BwrapInvocation:
+ """Gathered information for a bwrap invocation.
+ This will be created empty, and then each directive's `setup` function is called
+ with this object, so they can accumulate the bwrap flags and any other relevant state."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # The flags to pass to bwrap.
+ self.flags = []
+ # Functions to call at the end of the setup process.
+ # They will receive this object as argument, so they can add further flags.
+ self.finalizers = []
+ # If this is `None` it means so far no d-bus proxy has been set up.
+ self.dbus_proxy_flags = None
+class BwrapDirective:
+ """Directive that just passes flags to bwrap."""
+ def __init__(self, bwrap_flags):
self.bwrap_flags = bwrap_flags
- self.dbus_proxy_flags = dbus_proxy_flags
+ def setup(self, bwrap):
+ bwrap.flags.extend(self.bwrap_flags)
-def launch_dbus_proxy(flags):
- """Launches the dbus proxy and returns the bwrap flags to be used to talk to it."""
- # Prepare a pipe to coordinate shutdown of bwrap and the proxy
- bwrap_end, other_end = os.pipe() # both FDs are "non-inheritable" now
- # Invoke the debus-proxy
- filename = BUBBLEBOX_DIR + "/bus-" + randname()
- args = ["/usr/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy", "--fd="+str(other_end)]
- args += [os.environ["DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"], filename, "--filter"] + flags
- #pprint(args)
- subprocess.Popen(
- args,
- pass_fds = [other_end], # default is to pass only the std FDs!
- )
- # Wait until the proxy is ready
- os.read(bwrap_end, 1)
- assert os.path.exists(filename)
- # Make sure bwrap can access the other end of the pipe
- os.set_inheritable(bwrap_end, True)
- # Put this at the usual location for the bus insode the sandbox.
- # TODO: What if DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS says something else?
- return ["--bind", filename, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + "/bus", "--sync-fd", str(bwrap_end)]
+class GroupDirective:
+ """Directive that groups a bunch of directives to be treated as one."""
+ def __init__(self, directives):
+ self.directives = directives
+ def setup(self, bwrap):
+ for directive in self.directives:
+ directive.setup(bwrap)
+class DbusProxyDirective:
+ """Directive that sets up a d-bus proxy and adds flags to it.
+ If the directive is used multiple times, the flags accumulate."""
+ def __init__(self, dbus_proxy_flags):
+ self.dbus_proxy_flags = dbus_proxy_flags
+ def setup(self, bwrap):
+ if bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags is None:
+ # We are the first d-bus proxy directive. Set up the flags and the finalizer.
+ bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags = []
+ bwrap.finalizers.append(DbusProxyDirective.launch_dbus_proxy)
+ # Always add the flags.
+ bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags.extend(self.dbus_proxy_flags)
+ def launch_dbus_proxy(bwrap):
+ """Finalizer that launches a d-bus proxy with the flags accumulated in `bwrap`."""
+ # Prepare a pipe to coordinate shutdown of bwrap and the proxy
+ bwrap_end, other_end = os.pipe() # both FDs are "non-inheritable" now
+ # Invoke the debus-proxy
+ filename = BUBBLEBOX_DIR + "/bus-" + randname()
+ args = ["/usr/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy", "--fd="+str(other_end)]
+ args += [os.environ["DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"], filename, "--filter"] + bwrap.dbus_proxy_flags
+ #pprint(args)
+ subprocess.Popen(
+ args,
+ pass_fds = [other_end], # default is to pass only the std FDs!
+ )
+ # Wait until the proxy is ready
+ os.read(bwrap_end, 1)
+ assert os.path.exists(filename)
+ # Make sure bwrap can access the other end of the pipe
+ os.set_inheritable(bwrap_end, True)
+ # Put this at the usual location for the bus insode the sandbox.
+ # TODO: What if DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS says something else?
+ bwrap.flags.extend(["--bind", filename, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + "/bus", "--sync-fd", str(bwrap_end)])
# Constructors that should be used instead of directly mentioning the class above.
def bwrap_flags(*flags):
- return BoxFlags(bwrap_flags=flags)
+ return BwrapDirective(flags)
def dbus_proxy_flags(*flags):
- return BoxFlags(dbus_proxy_flags=flags)
-def collect_flags(*flags):
- bwrap_flags = flat_map(lambda x: x.bwrap_flags, flags)
- dbus_proxy_flags = flat_map(lambda x: x.dbus_proxy_flags, flags)
- return BoxFlags(bwrap_flags, dbus_proxy_flags)
+ return DbusProxyDirective(flags)
+def group(*directives):
+ return GroupDirective(directives)
# Run the application in the bubblebox with the given flags.
-def bubblebox(*flags):
- flags = collect_flags(*flags)
- bwrap = "/usr/bin/bwrap"
- extraflags = []
- if flags.dbus_proxy_flags:
- extraflags += launch_dbus_proxy(flags.dbus_proxy_flags)
- args = [bwrap] + flags.bwrap_flags + extraflags + ["--"] + sys.argv[1:]
+def bubblebox(*directives):
+ if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
+ print(f"USAGE: {sys.argv[0]} <program name> <program arguments>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Make sure `--die-with-parent` is always set.
+ directives = group(bwrap_flags("--die-with-parent"), *directives)
+ # Compute the bwrap invocation by running all the directives.
+ bwrap = BwrapInvocation()
+ directives.setup(bwrap)
+ for finalizer in bwrap.finalizers:
+ finalizer(bwrap)
+ # Run bwrap
+ args = ["/usr/bin/bwrap"] + bwrap.flags + ["--"] + sys.argv[1:]
os.execvp(args[0], args)
-# Convenient methods to give access to the host file system
-def ro_host_access(*names):
- return bwrap_flags(*flat_map(lambda x: ["--ro-bind", x, x], names))
-def rw_host_access(*names):
- return bwrap_flags(*flat_map(lambda x: ["--bind", x, x], names))
-def dev_host_access(*names):
- return bwrap_flags(*flat_map(lambda x: ["--dev-bind", x, x], names))
# Give all instances of the same box a shared XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
def shared_runtime_dir(boxname):
dirname = BUBBLEBOX_DIR + "/" + boxname
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
return bwrap_flags("--bind", dirname, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)
+# Convenient way to declare host access
+class Access:
+ Read = 0
+ Write = 1
+ Device = 2
+ def flag(val):
+ if val == Access.Read:
+ return "--ro-bind"
+ elif val == Access.Write:
+ return "--bind"
+ elif val == Access.Device:
+ return "--dev-bind"
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"invalid access value: {val}")
+def host_access(dirs):
+ def expand(root, names):
+ """`names` is one or more strings that can contain globs. Expand them all relative to `root`."""
+ if isinstance(names, str):
+ names = (names,)
+ assert isinstance(names, tuple)
+ for name in names:
+ assert not (name.startswith("../") or name.__contains__("/../") or name.endswith("../"))
+ path = root + "/" + name
+ # prettification
+ path = path.replace("//", "/")
+ path = path.removesuffix("/.")
+ # glob expansion
+ yield from glob.glob(path)
+ def recursive_host_access(root, dirs, out):
+ for names, desc in dirs.items():
+ for path in expand(root, names):
+ if isinstance(desc, dict):
+ # Recurse into children
+ recursive_host_access(path, desc, out)
+ else:
+ # Allow access to this path
+ out.extend([Access.flag(desc), path, path])
+ # Start the recursive traversal
+ out = []
+ recursive_host_access("", dirs, out)
+ #pprint(out)
+ return bwrap_flags(*out)
+def home_access(dirs):
+ return host_access({ HOME: dirs })
# Profile the profiles when importing bubblebox.
import profiles