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-I should note that this observation is not new, it already occurs in [François Garillot's PhD thesis](https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00649586) and even the authors of the "unbundled" paper already note having performance problems when scaling up.
-The goal of this post is to provide a more self-contained presentation, not requiring all the context set up in that thesis and going into more details than the brief remark in the original paper.
+I should note that this observation is not new, it already occurs in [François Garillot's PhD thesis](https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00649586), a [paper by the same author](https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00368403v2/document) and even the authors of the "unbundled" paper already note having performance problems when scaling up.
+The goal of this post is to provide a more self-contained presentation, not requiring all the context set up in that thesis and going into more details than the brief remarks the two papers.
## Unbundled groups