#!/usr/bin/python #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # Configuration shell = None # set to "/bin/bash" or similar to allow shell access allowCommands = ["scp", "rsync", "/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server"] commandPaths = ["/usr/bin", "/bin"] # END of Configuration #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE import logging, logging.handlers import os, sys, shlex, pwd logger = logging.getLogger("schsh") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log', facility = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_AUTH)) def get_username(): return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name def log(msg, lvl = logging.INFO): logger.log(lvl, "%s[%d]: <%s> %s" % ("schsh", os.getpid(), get_username(), msg)) def logquit(msg): log(msg, logging.ERROR) sys.exit(1) def addPath(prog): if prog.startswith("/"): return prog # look for it in the paths for path in commandPaths: fullprog = os.path.join(path, prog) if os.path.exists(fullprog): return fullprog return None # parse arguments run = [] if len(sys.argv) == 1: if shell is None: print "No shell for you!" logquit("Shell access not allowed") else: run = [shell] elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == "-c": # check if the command is allowed, and add path run = shlex.split(sys.argv[2]) if len(run) > 0 and run[0] in allowCommands: run[0] = addPath(run[0]) log("Running '"+str(run)+"'") else: print "You are not allowed to run this command." logquit("Attempt to run invalid command '"+sys.argv[2]+"'") else: logquit("Invalid arguments for schsh: "+str(sys.argv)) assert len(run) > 0 os.execl("/usr/bin/schroot", "/usr/bin/schroot", "-c", "user-"+get_username(), "-d", "/data", "--", *run)