X-Git-Url: https://git.ralfj.de/saartuer.git/blobdiff_plain/01b0198699d9871bf642930ece770d0d1be917b9..07282bc03a4f1dfcd9309f2fa242dfecb2756a3b:/tuerd

diff --git a/tuerd b/tuerd
index a283f26..f03d5db 100755
--- a/tuerd
+++ b/tuerd
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
-import time, socket, os, stat
+import time, socket, os, stat, atexit, errno, struct, pwd
+from libtuer import log
 from datetime import datetime
 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
-# ******** definitions *********
-# logging function
-# TODO: loglevel, log like a real daemon
-def log (what):
-	print (datetime.now(),what)
+def recv_timeout(conn, size, time):
+	(r, w, x) = select.select([conn], [], [], time)
+	if len(r):
+		assert r[0] == conn
+		return conn.recv(size)
+	return None
+# ******** definitions *********
 # send to client for information but don't care if it arrives
 def waynesend (conn, what):
@@ -23,6 +29,15 @@ def doNothing (conn):
+# delete a file, don't care if it did not exist in the first place
+def forcerm(name):
+	try:
+		os.unlink (name)
+	except OSError as e:
+		# only ignore error if it was "file didn't exist"
+		if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+			raise
 # commands: on a pin do a series of timed on/off switches
 class Pinoutput:
 	# name is for logging and also used for mapping command names to instances of this class
@@ -37,9 +52,10 @@ class Pinoutput:
 	def __call__ (self, conn):
 		for (value,delay) in self.todo:
 			GPIO.output(self.pin, value)
-			log ("%s: Pin %d set to %s." % (self.name,self.pin,str(value)))
+			# log ("%s: Pin %d set to %s." % (self.name,self.pin,str(value)))
 		# notify success
+		log 
 # ******** configuration *********
@@ -60,10 +76,7 @@ for pin in pinlist:
 # create socket
 sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 # delete old socket file and don't bitch around if it's not there
-	os.unlink (socketname)
-except OSError:
-	pass
 # bind socket to file name
 sock.bind (socketname)
 # allow only users in the tuergroup to write to the socket
@@ -72,22 +85,31 @@ os.chmod (socketname, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP)
 # listen to the people, but not too many at once
+# shutdown handling
+def shutdown():
+	log("Shutting down")
+	sock.close()
+	forcerm(socketname)
 # main loop
 # FIXME: DoS by opening socket but not sending data, because this loop is single threaded; maybe settimeout helps a bit.
 while True:
 	# accept connections
 	conn, addr = sock.accept()
-	# TODO: use addr to determine the client for logging
-	# get some data from the client (enough to hold any valid command)
-	data = conn.recv (32)
-	# log the command
-	log("received command: %s" % str(data))
-	# lookup the command, if it's not in the dict, use the doNothing function instead
-	# and execute the looked up command or doNothing with the connection, so it can respond to the client
-	pindict.get(data,doNothing)(conn)
-	# close connection cleanly
-	conn.close()
-# FIXME will this be executed after receiving a terminating signal?
+	try:
+		# get peer information
+		(pid, uid, gid) = (struct.unpack('3i', conn.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, struct.calcsize('3i'))))
+		# get some data from the client (enough to hold any valid command)
+		data = conn.recv (32)
+		# log the command
+		log("received command from %s (uid %d): %s" % (pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name,uid, str(data)))
+		# lookup the command, if it's not in the dict, use the doNothing function instead
+		# and execute the looked up command or doNothing with the connection, so it can respond to the client
+		pindict.get(data,doNothing)(conn)
+		log("done")
+		# close connection cleanly
+		conn.close()
+	except Exception as e:
+		log("Something went wrong: %s\n...continuing." % str(e))